Half-bottle or full? Fizzy-wine Dilemma


Legendary member
So, you know how you have a half-bottle of wine with a meal. Usually 17.5% alcohol. Seems fine, measured and grown-up.
Now, what if you're having a bottle of fizzy-wine?
(I know it says "champagne", but honestly, unless it's Veuve-Clicquot or Bollinger, is it really champagne?)

Should I finish the whole bottle or not? It's only 12% alcohol, so should be OK, right?
It's Friday, and not inclined to trade this afternoon, even though no major stuff seems to be happening?

Whats the etiquette? Finish the bottle? Or keep half for another afternoon?
Never drink a whole bottle of wine of any sort if alone.

Always drink champagne with a companion, hopefully one a little younger.......
So, you know how you have a half-bottle of wine with a meal. Usually 17.5% alcohol. Seems fine, measured and grown-up.
Now, what if you're having a bottle of fizzy-wine?
(I know it says "champagne", but honestly, unless it's Veuve-Clicquot or Bollinger, is it really champagne?)

Should I finish the whole bottle or not? It's only 12% alcohol, so should be OK, right?
It's Friday, and not inclined to trade this afternoon, even though no major stuff seems to be happening?

Whats the etiquette? Finish the bottle? Or keep half for another afternoon?
View attachment 273881

Don't matter, you're on DEMO, so throw in a couple more bottles of hi-alcohol content, then just to be sure you don't get buggered on Demo, plug in a STOP. Then blow everyone's mind by nailing some tail on the desk. The core 30 would be impressed.
Hi trendie,
So, you know how you have a half-bottle of wine with a meal. Usually 17.5% alcohol. . .
No idea what sort of wine you're drinking at 17.5% - but it's certainly not ordinary table wine! Nearly all wines are in the 11% - 14.5% range. As a rule of thumb, the lower the percentage - the sweater the wine.

. . . Seems fine, measured and grown-up.
Now, what if you're having a bottle of fizzy-wine?
(I know it says "champagne", but honestly, unless it's Veuve-Clicquot or Bollinger, is it really champagne?)
Yes. If it says 'champagne' on the bottle - then it's the real deal. It might not be very good champagne - but it is Champagne as it's illegal to call wine champagne that's not from the region. The only allowed variant to this is sparkling wine made according the 'champagne method' which, although is technically a very similar drink, isn't actual champagne.

Should I finish the whole bottle or not? It's only 12% alcohol, so should be OK, right?
It's Friday, and not inclined to trade this afternoon, even though no major stuff seems to be happening?
Whats the etiquette? Finish the bottle? Or keep half for another afternoon?
If you haven't got a good Champagne stopper - finish it - otherwise it'll go flat and be wasted. I do agree with Tom though, champers is a drink best enjoyed with a friend - a very close friend!

Nice nails btw! 😉
PS. . .
Along with sharing it with a good friend - Champagne is best drunk well chilled from a flute glass and not a red wine claret glass!
PS. . .
Along with sharing it with a good friend - Champagne is best drunk well chilled from a flute glass and not a red wine claret glass!
Yeah, but..
I have got into the One-Meal-A-Day / Intermittent Fasting thing, and have my main meal around lunchtime. Snacks around 3pm, perhaps. (all meals between 11am - 3pm).
Rest of the time squash or water.
So, my social habits don't fit well. I need to stop being anti-social, and dine in the evenings more.
True about flute. I am a barbarian!
So, you know how you have a half-bottle of wine with a meal. Usually 17.5% alcohol. Seems fine, measured and grown-up.
Now, what if you're having a bottle of fizzy-wine?
(I know it says "champagne", but honestly, unless it's Veuve-Clicquot or Bollinger, is it really champagne?)

Should I finish the whole bottle or not? It's only 12% alcohol, so should be OK, right?
It's Friday, and not inclined to trade this afternoon, even though no major stuff seems to be happening?

Whats the etiquette? Finish the bottle? Or keep half for another afternoon?
View attachment 273881

You're Injun? Post pic with jeans rolled up higher. If you are HIndu (proven already but only 50% superficially, now dominant blood will zoom it, clinch it) it changes everything. You instantly beocme my friend whether you like it or not. Unreceiprocated never stopped Big Joe. The protection of Fibo and America and The Donald is automatically included.
Yeah, but..
I have got into the One-Meal-A-Day / Intermittent Fasting thing, and have my main meal around lunchtime. Snacks around 3pm, perhaps. (all meals between 11am - 3pm).
Rest of the time squash or water.
So, my social habits don't fit well. I need to stop being anti-social, and dine in the evenings more.
True about flute. I am a barbarian!

The monks do Intermittent fasting, so does Big Joe. Breakfast early, they at 5 AM, me at 7, then lunch at noon. then nada, no snacks, no nada. the snacks kill the concept of "intermittent" --- the whole idea of intermittent is to let the body do its internal housework and laundry and other duties that a loaded stomach prevent and fck up. Rest of the time lime/lemon water or bancha tea.

You don't even do Trading right. Try not to bugger up Intermittent Fasting too.
. . .True about flute. I am a barbarian!
Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, trendie! From the pic', my guess is that your claret class is cut crystal - a nice glass. But a pair of lovely flute glasses for drinking white wine and fizz with a 'special' friend will add to your enjoyment of the wine. And cheap wine tastes better when drunk from an expensive glass! We have these and I recommend them highly: Rachael Champagne Flute Glasses
So, you know how you have a half-bottle of wine with a meal. Usually 17.5% alcohol. Seems fine, measured and grown-up.
Now, what if you're having a bottle of fizzy-wine?
(I know it says "champagne", but honestly, unless it's Veuve-Clicquot or Bollinger, is it really champagne?)

Should I finish the whole bottle or not? It's only 12% alcohol, so should be OK, right?
It's Friday, and not inclined to trade this afternoon, even though no major stuff seems to be happening?

Whats the etiquette? Finish the bottle? Or keep half for another afternoon?
View attachment 273881

sure...........lifes to short .......your confidence in your trading abilities will either :-

Increase with each consumed glass.....
Turn you into a depressed pyschopathic failure

dependent on the previous mood.....

if you do drink dont trade ......at least not with decent money ...go play demo until the sobriety returns ?

been stone cold sober for 4 years plus now due to health reasons ......it has some advantages (some).....but boy i do miss a good drink and buzz.....

Champagne is very over-priced. Cava is a much more affordable alternative and I'd love to do a blind tasting against a medium price range Champagne. The trouble is even such a Champagne costs twice what I would pay for a decent French red or white so I can't really afford to buy some just to "taste".