Guppy Trading


I have trading the forex and futures market for 5 years now but I have come to see that one of the methods that works best for traders is using multiple moving averages.

Since I started using the guppy I really don't remember my last losing week.the trades are easy to follow and you don't overtrade. Each pair is different and sometimes you trade it sometimes you don't. It is consistent for all markets including futures but I have never heard of anyone promoting it in forex.

I would like to know if anyone else uses it. In the meantime I'll be posting the trades here.
I don't believe in trading without charts.All the trades on the site blog have before trade screen shots and after screen shots. I'll start posting from sunday 2am est here. but in the meantime I would really like to have a challenging talk about the use of moving averages with anyone.
niatrading said:
I don't believe in trading without charts.All the trades on the site blog have before trade screen shots and after screen shots. I'll start posting from sunday 2am est here. but in the meantime I would really like to have a challenging talk about the use of moving averages with anyone.

I'm not sure I'll be very challenging but I've been using moving averages as part of my main strat on cable since August and they are working just dandy for me. Never heard of the guppy MA although have 3 red Guppies in my fish tank! 😆

Take a butchers at my journal for more insight to my use of them
wasp said:
I'm not sure I'll be very challenging but I've been using moving averages as part of my main strat on cable since August and they are working just dandy for me. Never heard of the guppy MA although have 3 red Guppies in my fish tank! 😆
MA's are one of my 'guilty pleasures'. Lagging indicators, too simplistic, etc. But the fact remains that an MA (and MACD) based strategy that I have is my most consistently profitable. Somehow I even feel a bit naff for admitting using something that's so unsophisticated, but if it ain't broke...
hi niatrading,

good to see another MA fan! 🙂
I have reviewed Guppy MAs before, but felt they were a bit over the top, and this is from a BIG MA fan!

Depends how you are going to use them, and what rules you employ.
Look forward to your posts here, and your trading rules, without which those pretty lines dont mean a great deal.

PS: thanks to wasp, I am reviewing my 5/21-EMA into Hull-MA variants.
I wouldn't have thought you'd need Guppy, or any other MA when you have remarkable powers like those quoted on your website (under the heading 'Top 10 reasons why I am the best forex trader'):

1. The best Forex Trader

The number 1 reason is that I just am the best forex trader .

3. I don’t have time for life.

Forex is a 24 hour business, so really, when do people expect me to meet them? I am always at my computer looking and staring at my forex charts. I just order out with my forex profits as I don’t even have time to cook.

People just have to understand that if I am not looking and staring at the charts, the forex market will not move in the direction I want it to.

5. I am 100% successful in knowing the trend after the Feds Report

I know the next market move before the trade happens. I have this uncanny ability to prophecy the market. I don’t need charts or indicators at all since I can foretell the future.

For example a lot of traders keep wondering what the next Federal report will mean in the market. I have always got the answer to that 100% correct since I started trading. I always tell other traders that the market is going to go short on dollar or long on dollar. There is no other choice.


9. My Forex Trade Execution is perfect..... all the time.

I now know every time the trend is about to start. I have never had a whipsaw or a false breakout or even a sudden trend change due to unknown fundamental trading factors.
I have discovered the secret of the term "the trend is your friend".
I know my friend so well I can tell when he's coming, he's around and even when he has gone back home.

Life sure must be good for you


p.s. How much do you make from all those banner ads? - I don't think i've ever seen quite so many in one place.

niatrading said:
I have trading the forex and futures market for 5 years now but I have come to see that one of the methods that works best for traders is using multiple moving averages.

Since I started using the guppy I really don't remember my last losing week.the trades are easy to follow and you don't overtrade. Each pair is different and sometimes you trade it sometimes you don't. It is consistent for all markets including futures but I have never heard of anyone promoting it in forex.

I would like to know if anyone else uses it. In the meantime I'll be posting the trades here.
turtle trader said:
I wouldn't have thought you'd need Guppy, or any other MA when you have remarkable powers like those quoted on your website (under the heading 'Top 10 reasons why I am the best forex trader'):

1. The best Forex Trader

The number 1 reason is that I just am the best forex trader .

3. I don’t have time for life.

Forex is a 24 hour business, so really, when do people expect me to meet them? I am always at my computer looking and staring at my forex charts. I just order out with my forex profits as I don’t even have time to cook.

People just have to understand that if I am not looking and staring at the charts, the forex market will not move in the direction I want it to.

5. I am 100% successful in knowing the trend after the Feds Report

I know the next market move before the trade happens. I have this uncanny ability to prophecy the market. I don’t need charts or indicators at all since I can foretell the future.

For example a lot of traders keep wondering what the next Federal report will mean in the market. I have always got the answer to that 100% correct since I started trading. I always tell other traders that the market is going to go short on dollar or long on dollar. There is no other choice.


9. My Forex Trade Execution is perfect..... all the time.

I now know every time the trend is about to start. I have never had a whipsaw or a false breakout or even a sudden trend change due to unknown fundamental trading factors.
I have discovered the secret of the term "the trend is your friend".
I know my friend so well I can tell when he's coming, he's around and even when he has gone back home.

Life sure must be good for you


p.s. How much do you make from all those banner ads? - I don't think i've ever seen quite so many in one place.
LOL. I thought you were taking the **** TurtleTrader, but no that's exactly what's on his website 😱 I particularly like the one that says 'I am George Soros...'
Despite niatrading's obvious delusions, I'd be interested to know what is the difference between a normal and a guppy MA?
It seems to be a method which uses the relationship between two different groups of EMAs - one long term, one short term. Presumably looking at their divergence/convergence, so in practice a bit like a MACD. There were a few threads on here about it, plus this website: Disappointed that it's named after a bloke rather than a small fish.
I tried to implement a fish-based stategy once, but by the time I'd switched on my PC I'd forgotten what it was.
Jack o'Clubs said:
I tried to implement a fish-based stategy once, but by the time I'd switched on my PC I'd forgotten what it was.

boom boom!


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Guppy MAs, as JoC says, is really MA "ribbons" by placing several MAs, and seeing how they interact, such as when they bunch or "squeeze" at certain points.

Anyway, I'll stop carping on, and let others have their say.
Come on now, dont be koi.
Thanks for all your posts this is great.

To be honest I think I have gone through most trading systems out there but this is the only one which I know works for me and in all the markets. Yes it's just simple ema ribbons to guide you in the highest probability trade. It's simple and even my kids now are learning it.

I tried to look for those non lagging indicators then it occured to me even in life I tend to do things after others have done them so why change in my

I've posted how we trade it on our blog and the beauty of multiple ma's is that you can add your own entry systems or like some of the traders there just trade of it period.

So I'll lurk on this forum which I found recently and if I find a good entry method I'll just add it to the guppy.

And yes I am George Soros. I had better be otherwise I'll be broke trading these markets.our blog
Jack o'Clubs said:
I tried to implement a fish-based stategy once, but by the time I'd switched on my PC I'd forgotten what it was.

You poor sole, I cod 'av 'elped trout. Next time try whiting it down. Otherwise you'll flounder from plaice to plaice, you need a firm bass if you want a turbot-charged strategy. Ask Sharkey, eel know....
I took a break last week. Don't know why as it was a trending week. As luck would have it the forex market likes making moves when you aren't there. I made my first trade today and went against the rules the first time.
Now in gbpusd short trade and since I'm not too confident about the market today with the yen short and gbp short I'll just take a chill pill. Leave my trade and go to bed. I have noticed trading is very easy when you are asleep. :cheesy:

I've posted the trades at the forex blog .Later today will post the results at the forum.