"guess Why I'm Top - Want To Be Rich This Week Yourself?"


Date I created this information - 5/01/2004

Here goes then - the first share that has caught my eye for 2004.

It's a share which could be "all or nothing" - if you don't like taking risks then take no notice of my thoughts - if you do like the thrill of the gamble, then could this be share to keep an eye on.

The Company : COMELEON (epic COL) - Share Price 3p/4.5p - Market Cap appears to be only around £500k (around 15 million shares in circulation currently according to a recent RNS).

Today, a few buys got the share price rising from 2.5/4p to 4.25/4.5p at one stage, until at the very end of the day the spread widened back to 3/4.5p - are the MM's playing games ??

The company, due to change it's name to Tanfield Group plc in the near future, has placed £1.6million of convertable Loan Stock (2009) and placed 526,300 ordinary shares at the end of last month at 9p (double the current price).

So it looks as though the immediate future should be secured.

Although results last month weren't great, it looks as though with the acquisition of Tanfield Holdings, and the cost cutting brought into force, the Directors are confident of reaching break-even over the coming months.

As always - DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH - DO NOT BUY SHARES ON ONE MAN'S THOUGHTS ABOUT A COMPANY - Share prices CAN go down as well as up. As I said earlier - it could be "all or nothing" - then again, a year ago it looked almost all over for YOO !

Please note that I bought shares in COL prior to the price being pushed up late this afternoon.

COL peaked a couple of years ago at around £2 !!

Looks like a 100k buy at 4.01pm - pushed the price up.

Although spread is currently showing as 3/4.5p, potentially there still may be a chance to buy within the spread - last week they were letting you buy at 3.35p when the spread was 2.5/4p.

Take care, and happy hunting....

Why ?

Over the last year, I have had a portfolio of £150k worth of 'solid stocks' (Mainly FTSE shares) and also £20k that I 'play with' which I use for 'penny stocks'.

I have traded IQE, OND & ZOO as well as others within the last year.

My £20k as it was last January is now worth nearly £80k.

Yes, I've had losses, but overall I've made far more profit on penny stocks than the blue-chip stocks.

Update 7/07/2005

COL ended the day 5+1/4p with a spread of 4.5/5.5. Despite the spread most buyers managed to grab some at 5p and towards the end of the day they were made to pay 5.25p.

I have ordered COL at 9am in hope to break the highest record for trade2win.
COL order, sorry Sharky

Sorry Sharky I ordered COL twice by accident because I forgot to scroll down the page when I was thinking my order had been cancelled.

Why ?

Over the last year, I have had a portfolio of £150k worth of 'solid stocks' (Mainly FTSE shares) and also £20k that I 'play with' which I use for 'penny stocks'.

I have traded IQE, OND & ZOO as well as others within the last year.

My £20k as it was last January is now worth nearly £80k.

Yes, I've had losses, but overall I've made far more profit on penny stocks than the blue-chip stocks.


read the link - simply because something is a penny stock does not mean it's safe to trade them.

I'm glad you seem to make a profit from them but you probably know what you are doing. However many novices flock to Penny Shares thinking they are safe to trade.

So well done you, but a "be careful" warning is always in order for those new to share trading. Therefore I stand by my original post.
Neil - Simply because a stock is a BLUE CHIP doesn't necessarily mean its safe to trade them ! Remember Energis... Independent Energy..... MyTravel.....British Energy....Baltimore

safecracker said:
Neil - Simply because a stock is a BLUE CHIP doesn't necessarily mean its safe to trade them ! Remember Energis... Independent Energy..... MyTravel.....British Energy....Baltimore

Very true but I never said all blue chips are safe to trade.

Look at poor old tok!

Hope u didnt hold that position for real and only in fiction!
Collectively a very poor showing so far on this current share competition!

I agree with you and had a similar experience last year but I think it's worth bearing in mind that market conditions were more favourable for that approach than they have been for a while. Against a 13.53% y-on-y gain for the FTSe100, the Fledgling gained 70.20%, AIM 40.73% and Techmark 59.77%. From a number of posts here and elsewhere (NOT yours), I think a lot of people are forgetting the lessons of the recent past when all you had to do was throw a dart at Techinvest, invest in the stock it landed on and lo and behold you were outperforming Warren Buffet !!! Things can change !!!

This is why I don't hesitate to take profits at every opportunity. Most of my current holding are actually 'free holdings' which I owe to the recent bull run. If I buy a share at 2p and it doubles, I generally sell enough shares to take my initial stake back and maintain a decent holding which, in effect, cost virtually nothing, apart from some CGT of course.



By the way, presumably you use your ISA allowance to minimise your CGT liabilities?. It used to be more expensive but now with the cheaper on-line accounts it's well worth it. Also, although AIM stocks aren't ISA-able, you can put them in a (low-cost) SIPP where you pay a relatively low management fee and dealing costs.

Only just seen this response.

I use all sorts of tricks, including ISA of course. The usual 'one for me and one for the wife' trick is very handy, especially if you can afford to put the maximum amount in each year for each of you.

I couldn't possibly go into more detail, but overseas relatives can also help you to avoid tax as well 🙂

Above all, you need a GOOD ACCOUNTANT.
