Hi guys, I have been talking to an Australian guy at a company called GSi, they offer an automated trading system which analyses market data and puts your money in companys that have the most chance of success, they say that the system gets it right approx, 75% of the time.
Like any normal trend following system, when the trend begins to change they give back all the profits. This is the key to successful trading, those that no it will not offer it in such a system, those that do not, will happily trade your money.
I have seen negative feedback on Money saving expert but allot of it seems unfair.
It sounds like you really believe you have found something that will get you to financial freedom, you have also convinced yourself that obvious facts may be untruthful. Could it be greed creeping in? Be Cautious
I am not looking for a get rich quick scheme but it would be nice to make a few of hundred pounds a month.
Its not that easy.
They seem to have had good feedback in the Extra Income Finder mag as well as a couple of others and if it can make more then all the better. In the current market conditions I also see this as a good time to invest, especially as the shares are low.
Why are the shares low and not going up? The professionals dont think they are worth buying yet, why should you?
They are charging £3,995 with an additional 3,995 if you make a profit of £20,000 in the first 12 months. If this is a scam, WHAT IS THE SCAM!! people seem to get the software and support.
The software will not make you money, it still depends on your skill and knowledge. The scam is they are selling you software for that price,, software with a few indicators, such things are available for free all over the internet. Software support will not know how to trade, if they did they would be at home working 1 hour a day.
Save your money and if you really want to get into trading, spend a fraction of that with a mentor and another fraction trading yourself. Either way you will benefit, either financially or you will be wiser in such matters.