Green shoots? UK banks still have £800bl 'hole'

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Black Swan

What's on the radar, more Q.E., massive hyper inflation, sterling to crash?😱

In a warning to bankers and consumers after months that have seen large jumps in share prices and hopes that the banking system is recovering, the Bank used its Financial Stability Report to emphasise that the UK remains highly vulnerable to potential shocks.

With the Government poised to deliver its White Paper on financial regulation next week, the Bank also cautioned that life for financial institutions was about to change forever, with big banks facing a whole spectrum of new restraints on their size, structure, business plans and lending.

The report, published today, said: "While pressures on the major global banks have stabilised over the past few months, their balance sheets remain impaired. Banks' leverage remains high, with the possibility of further impairment of assets placing continued pressure on profitability and capital ratios. Future revenue generation will need to balance the desire to deleverage with the need to generate new business at profitable spreads.

"At the same time, the major UK banks maintain a high and rising customer funding gap. The withdrawal of overseas funding and competition for domestic deposits has added to these funding pressures."

The report revealed that the funding gap – the shortfall between what banks have in deposits and what they lend out to customers – has further widened in the past year to more than £800bn. The increase underlines the scale of adjustment that they will have to undergo before life returns to relative normality. The report also pointed out that the amount banks have in liquid assets remains low, while the leverage ratios remain high, saying: "As long as these balance sheet vulnerabilities persist, there is a risk to the banking system from further adverse economic or financial sector developments, which could in turn affect lending and economic recovery."

British banks highly vulnerable to future shocks, Bank of England warns - Telegraph
1470 "s


Sterling option? 😉 Quite up for a renewed war of the Roses, although 5hit house Sotherners would stay out of it, carry on raking it in, whilst those up north kill each other as opposed to a slow death in poverty...
The green shoots have been exaggerated for the precise purpose of boosting consumer spending and trying to fill the holes in bank balance sheets.

The last roll of the dice for certain banks or policymakers.

Take the 'stress tests' as an example- the fed would never come out and give a gloomy picture because the meltdown would've started again.

Billions don't scare us anymore because we now only bat an eyelid at trillions. I'm sure by the time Obama is done there may be a zillion deficit though 🙂
The green shoots have been exaggerated for the precise purpose of boosting consumer spending and trying to fill the holes in bank balance sheets.

The last roll of the dice for certain banks or policymakers.

Take the 'stress tests' as an example- the fed would never come out and give a gloomy picture because the meltdown would've started again.

Billions don't scare us anymore because we now only bat an eyelid at trillions. I'm sure by the time Obama is done there may be a zillion deficit though 🙂

Crucially us plebs got the first admission yesterday of the true 'tale of the tape' to date; the UK banks have been plugged with £1.25 tril in order to save the system and our debt slave culture/way of life. If another 800bl needs to be found (racing cert that this new figure will rise) then we could be facing a £2.5tril deficit. What's that, a 50K tax for every man woman and child in the UK? Been easier to simply write off everyone's debt and start again, however that would have had the banking elite Gordo was desperate to protect choking on their Ortalan Buntings drowned in cognac.

Despite rates being close to zero soon most fixed rate mortgages will be 6% and the banks will collude to charge for basic current accounts in order to fleece/tax consumers to love our 'western freedom'...
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