green loose 1 seat...

indeed, they'd have to remove the speed bumps to get passed 13.

nice bit of logic I heard was that speed bumps are down to local do-gooders, so if you want them to change their minds, everytime you go over a speed bump, beep your horn for 3 seconds.....

anybody want to start a movement?
ooohh you are awful!

indeed, they'd have to remove the speed bumps to get passed 13.

nice bit of logic I heard was that speed bumps are down to local do-gooders, so if you want them to change their minds, everytime you go over a speed bump, beep your horn for 3 seconds.....

anybody want to start a movement?

You are very sick bypath, very sick. But I do like it.:cheesy:

what about everyone gets those cars with the piston suspensions pumping upping and down, jack dogging (sounds street!) through old london town, pumpin out some bad hommes muzac...

"chillin in the car they spent all day waxin
leanin to the side but you can't spead through
Two miles an hour so everybody sees you
there's an air of love and of happiness
and this is the Fresh Prince's new defintion of summer madness"

As an aside has anyone tried to rap along to that song...... DONT TRY IT! But I like the summer tingle of it. (y)
My first single, on cassette no less, had that and boom shake the room down word for word when i was 10...

I'm sure I had friends though.....