Great Free News Site


This is a website that I've created Its free . I wanted to get some feed back. It is meant to condense the financial news and research that comes out throughout the day to the items that investors and traders really ought to know. In addition it contains a list of the top financial blog, and news sources. Also it highlights the important economic release that are coming out each day. The site updates pre-market and post-market. Please let me know how you feel this can be improved.

This site is a non-commercial so I don't view this as spam. If you view it as spam I apologize and will delete it.
This is a website that I've created Its free . I wanted to get some feed back. It is meant to condense the financial news and research that comes out throughout the day to the items that investors and traders really ought to know. In addition it contains a list of the top financial blog, and news sources. Also it highlights the important economic release that are coming out each day. The site updates pre-market and post-market. Please let me know how you feel this can be improved.

This site is a non-commercial so I don't view this as spam. If you view it as spam I apologize and will delete it.

Website looks good, informative! I sent you a PM and would be happy if you could write me back. Thx!
Pretty dull/confusing layout, I'd hate to look at that screen on a regular basis. Some sort of ticker might be better than a random vomit of information onto the page. Like the idea though, should be a nice little money-spinner when it's fully developed.
The page is too wide and the text too large. I like the bit at the top giving you the important announcements of the day.
The page is too wide and the text too large. I like the bit at the top giving you the important announcements of the day.

Do you mind if I ask what resolution your browser is set at? If heard that from a couple people.
Pretty dull/confusing layout, I'd hate to look at that screen on a regular basis. Some sort of ticker might be better than a random vomit of information onto the page. Like the idea though, should be a nice little money-spinner when it's fully developed.

Valid point the formatting is sloppy no doubt. We're working on developing different layouts. Don't know about making any money of it through, would be nice but for now just a hobby.
Valid point the formatting is sloppy no doubt. We're working on developing different layouts. Don't know about making any money of it through, would be nice but for now just a hobby.

Well mate if you make a success of it I would expect many many brokers, signal providers, charting software peddlers etc. to be begging you for some ad space. It's got good potential, stick with it.

Laudable attempt but the page is far far far too busy for my liking.

One suggestion I do have - for links that lead to a story, some sort of preview when you mouse over the link would be good (I have that on my yahoo and it saves opening e-mails / rss links for example if I just want to know roughly what the content is).


Thanks for the input. I will try to tone it down. Also, I will look into the scroll over feature. Thank you for talking the time to look and respond.
Nice site with good content. It's a bit busy though and the page too wide. You should try a few approaches to the layout, it's the only way to settle on something comfortable.
Do you mind if I ask what resolution your browser is set at? If heard that from a couple people.

My resolution is 1280x1040, Not exactly small! I'm viewing in firefox. However I have a pane on the LHS with my links in. You should try to keep the page within 800-1000 pixels wide in my book.
If you had a nice layout, it would help. One thing though, is to have more than 1 page. That is why it's hard to find what people are looking for.

Also helps google ranking etc.

My resolution is 1280x1040, Not exactly small! I'm viewing in firefox. However I have a pane on the LHS with my links in. You should try to keep the page within 800-1000 pixels wide in my book.

Thanks for responding back, I will try narrowing the page.
Nice site with good content. It's a bit busy though and the page too wide. You should try a few approaches to the layout, it's the only way to settle on something comfortable.

I'm working on narrowing the page. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Just changed the font styles and size. I'm having issues with resizing the whole site to make it narrower. Hopefully the recent changes will make it looks less sloppy. Once again thanks for all your feedback.
Phil was right, you need more than one page, it's way too much information to take in. A good front page might be a ticker, the main stories (with the 'hover' feature that someone else mentioned) and then a list of categories leading to the other information. It's really just overwhelming in its current form.
Phil was right, you need more than one page, it's way too much information to take in. A good front page might be a ticker, the main stories (with the 'hover' feature that someone else mentioned) and then a list of categories leading to the other information. It's really just overwhelming in its current form.

Please keep the suggestions coming I'm working with my web guys to clean up the layout. We are going to test some new formats this weekend.