Governing Dynamics

Well crafted, well written article, much better than the majority on the front page. However, it's not enough, 2 articles a week + very active forums, does not an overall improvement make.
On the article itself only criticism would be mention of KISS in trading is bang on, so why have these guys 'invented' their "Extended Learning Track (XLT) program"?😆 Only needs the words; play, turbo and power and it'd be the same as the rest of the rubbish out there...
I am enjoying your articles, Sam. But while a school of dolphins might be able to work as a group, humans in trading are forced to work in sub-groups, and certainly not for the benefit of the group.

We have multi-billin dollar corporations in the USA, who also spread their tentacles to the other world markets, manipulating them through nano-fast robotic trading softare, that can create the price and then sell/buy into that price, once the action pops onto the radar screens of traders.

I am totally nonplussed about how this is a level playing field, and how your analogy fits into this. It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain trades as trends that should be progressing, reverse on a dime. The standard indicators are less reliable than previously - but I am probably the only plaintiff here.

With about 70% of the volume now artificially created, and who knows what % is electronic trading, I am wondering if your proprietary trading school is dealing easily with this.

Isaac Newton didn't have someone up the tree shaking apples ... the apple fell when it was good and ready, and it fell beneath an apple tree. We used to say "She'll be apples ..." but we know today, "she" won't be - it's a vicious and greedy pack running Wall Street - and I suspect traders at the small end of town are just more fodder for them today.

Foe example - I used to trade longer term trends - but I am hard-pressed to find a trend today that lasts longer than a day or two, and even more hard-pressed to put any sort of weight on them. I'm about to quit the game altogether because of my inability to handle the changing nature of trading.

Newton would be embarrassed!