Gordon Brown Budget


Experienced member
What about the poor people who only earn £6,000 and 9,000 a year.With the abolition of the lowest 10p rate. The tax rate on the first few thousands pounds immediately after the tax-free personal allowance will double from 10% to 20% as a result of this change, affecting every income taxpayer in the country but hitting the poor the hardest. with the little money they have....

Brown should have increase the personal allowance by £2,000, not by doubling the tax rate as Brown has done. The poorer will get poor quicker
fibonelli said:
gormless wants the poor to claim the chaotic tax credits

Of course for those low income earners who aren't eligble for working tax credits you are a lot worse off. i.e. part time workers, under 25's, women 60-64, etc..