Google, Youtube and Gmail


Legendary member
Why does my Gmail account now show my username on Youtube as my "proper name" on my gmail emails?

My youtube username is some variant of Jedi BuffieSlayer (!!), now I discover, my normal, sober, businessy type communiques going out via gmail are showing Jedi as my first name!

WHY have they become connected?
How do I disconnect them?

As a more general note, I am becoming paranoid at this excessive interconnectedness via FB, LinkedIn, etc.

Case in point; I am exploring the possibility of setting up some sort of property portal as a technical and SEO project, and then generating revenue from.
Now, as I spoke to someone on the phone, and I gave my name (my real name, not Jedi), they found my LinkedIn profile, and wondered why I wanted to go into property.
Its irrelevant what my previous occupation was (IT bod/Business Analyst), and anyway I have been trading, and that ISNT on LinkedIn), but the point is, the belief you must spend your whole life doing just one thing. (sorry -rant)

Its almost as if we cant have alter-egos, that match the forum we visit, or that we cant have eclectic interests, or explore new avenues without raising eyebrows.

Oh yeah, about that gmail Jedi thing....
😆 pita but still funny, something to do with global login for all google services.
I'd bet you created a youtube account after gmail, altered YT details,
which also altered gmail details - just a guess, not sure 🙂
exactly LV.
the thing is, I kept getting pop-ups about it, then frustratedly accepted, but now dont seem to be able to undo it.
exactly LV.
the thing is, I kept getting pop-ups about it, then frustratedly accepted, but now dont seem to be able to undo it.

Not sure, but you should be able to set you gmail name tags back to what you
want, then open a new gmail account for youtube (really, just another google services account).
Not sure you can isolate them without doing that, as a gmail account basically
serves as login to any of the other google services - youtube, checkout etc.
Either that or its some sort of google balls up.
You should have a business email and a personal one, it saves so much headache. Also, using a nickname on facebook can help dodge any future employers finding you easily. I know what you mean though, it's scary how everything is connected. A point of warning, when setting up your smartphone, make sure you check settings on photos and contacts as they can auto upload to apps like facebook and google which can be annoying!