Google Earth


Active member
I thought the Google maps and satellite photos were pretty cool but Google Earth is another league!!!

i downloaded it from typing "google earth" in google.
DanielLambert said:
I thought it had only just come out? How long has it been around...... :eek:

Well, been out since around April or May I think, so not a hugely long time. I still find it fascinating. In case you didn't know, there's also a Google Earth Community where lots of folk put placemarks to all sorts of interesting (and boring) stuff.
Hi guys -

What facscinates me with Google Earth is being able to 'zoom in' on complex geographical features, eg deserts, rivers, mountains, etc.

You really get to see the 'FRACTAL GEOMETRY' of nature (Thanks Mr. Mandelbrot). :cool:

Check out the mountain ranges and deserts of the Yemen, for example - If you zoom in here you will see a striking network of dunes, valleys and ranges that resembles branches of trees, arteries in the human body, and ofcourse Benoit Mandelbrot's 'set' - an abstract mathematical construct, but one which mimics nature perfectly.
Myself, I'm a big fan of the Grand Canyon view - when viewed with landscape/3d effects on, it really is amazing.
Do the images get better, and, is there more detail in more areas if you pay for the upgrade?
In some places you can zoom in so that you can see cars and people.

In less densely populated areas eg. Scottish Higlands, you cannot zoom into anywhere near that level of detail.

I don't know anything about the paid for version.
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