First off our Gomega software is protected from piracy. If the EA that is being sent has not been cracked and broken into then there would be no reason you would want it because it is protected. Second off my name is Jonathan Herbert and I am one of the partners and owners of all proprietary software belonging to Quantum Research to include, forex profit pro, gomegagbpjpy, and gomegaxray software. Third, this software is protected by copywrite laws, Forth, the software you would get from another source is not our newest update because we send updates on almost a weekly basis so this might cause you to see results that are way off what the system is doing now. Fifth, we are already working with our lawyer and have given notification to the FBI on all piracy related materials to include our EA ect... Sixth, if you built a software that you have taken the time to create, have a support system behind it that you have to sustain, I am sure your reaction would be simular if you saw someone asking anyone randomly, "Hey man let me send you a free copy!" If anything I am surprised by your lack of respect for property that does not belong to you and with that state of mind I wish you all the best trading in the world, and my advise is that when you have something good, dont pass it around or eventually with enough people using that "free" information that took a lot of time and money to make it wont be worth a thing because so many people are using it. It is all good though, Karma has an interesting way of catching up to you in the end.
Best of luck,
Jonathan Herbert