

Hi Guys,

What affects the price of gold? from what ive read about gold, it seems to be the place to be when equites are going down the pan. would a weak doller have a positive effect on gold? it seems that news flow on gold isnt top notch either cant find much about it. so as all ways any help would be very very useful.

thanks for your time

Pietro 🙁
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pietro said:
Hi Guys,

What affects the price of gold? from what ive read about gold, it seems to be the place to be when equites are going down the pan. would a weak doller have a positive effect on gold? it seems that news flow on gold isnt top notch either cant find much about it. so as all ways any help would be very very useful.

thanks for your time

Pietro 🙁


Much of the research and data available on the web re the gold price is concerned with the theory that the price of gold is manipulated to be artificially low. A low gold price is indicative of low inflation and a healthy economy. The theory is that it is easier to suppress the gold price than deal with the fundamental problems of a sick economy, like massive budget, trade and current account deficits.

Try these sites

Safe Haven : A good site for short essays on all things gold and dollar related. &sb=date&cat=&s=1&l=50&t=1

GATA : The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee. Gold is a manipulated market.

LeMetropole : A subscription site from GATA dealing with those markets that affect the gold market, so bonds, forex etc. If you don’t hold with the gold is a manipulated market theory, there is still some very good news and market analysis here. : Some good stuff including TA from NSFutures every day.

Jim Sinclair : Gold guru. A free site, registration required.

24 Hour Precious Metals : Good news site

Others to try

More on Gold is a manipulated market. Check the Sprott Asset Management Report Not Free, Not Fair
Gold is a manipulated market. Currently it is important to keep a lid on it.
Interesting spread vs. Crude.
twalker said:
Gold is a manipulated market. Currently it is important to keep a lid on it.
Interesting spread vs. Crude.

Can anyone tell me the best way to invest in gold-other than buying it direct.There are all sorts of unit trusts and gold certificates, but which is most sensitive to changes in the prices of gold without paying massive commisions-can anyone tell me?
fokjock said:
Can anyone tell me the best way to invest in gold-other than buying it direct.There are all sorts of unit trusts and gold certificates, but which is most sensitive to changes in the prices of gold without paying massive commisions-can anyone tell me?

Unit trusts and gold certificates will be your safest option, but you investment will not be leveraged ("as sensitive" in your words) and will move in %ge terms along with gold. Commissions will be fairly noticable. However as long as the company is reputable and regulated you can 'buy and forget' for as long as you are happy that gold is on the up.

Gold shares are more risky option. I own a couple of New York SE-listed (eg Gold Fields, GFI) in my self-select ISA with; which I can buy and sell at minimal cost There is a strong leverage effect with these un-hedged producers because a small change in the price of gold will have a disproportionatly large effect on profitability. Obviously this makes them a relatively high risk investment, which you shouldn't be betting your pension on, and individual firms will have their ups and downs that are unrelated to gold price.

For short term trading the vehicle of choice is perhaps the e-mini future YG which trades on the ECBOT. A $1 fall in the price of gold will decrease the value of the one contract by about $33.2. Commission costs on the buying and selling will be around $5 per contract, depending on broker. Some spread-betting firms will offer quotes based on this contract, at greater cost per round-trip but easier to set up an account.

Depends really on how much risk you are comfortable with and how actively you intend to manage your account. Futures and spreadbets will need to be attended to (rolled over etc) every few months as a minimum, for example, and require a high level of background knowledge. Few participants in these markets are consistantly profitable.

peto said:
Unit trusts and gold certificates will be your safest option, but you investment will not be leveraged ("as sensitive" in your words) and will move in %ge terms along with gold. Commissions will be fairly noticable. However as long as the company is reputable and regulated you can 'buy and forget' for as long as you are happy that gold is on the up.

Gold shares are more risky option. I own a couple of New York SE-listed (eg Gold Fields, GFI) in my self-select ISA with; which I can buy and sell at minimal cost There is a strong leverage effect with these un-hedged producers because a small change in the price of gold will have a disproportionatly large effect on profitability. Obviously this makes them a relatively high risk investment, which you shouldn't be betting your pension on, and individual firms will have their ups and downs that are unrelated to gold price.

For short term trading the vehicle of choice is perhaps the e-mini future YG which trades on the ECBOT. A $1 fall in the price of gold will decrease the value of the one contract by about $33.2. Commission costs on the buying and selling will be around $5 per contract, depending on broker. Some spread-betting firms will offer quotes based on this contract, at greater cost per round-trip but easier to set up an account.

Depends really on how much risk you are comfortable with and how actively you intend to manage your account. Futures and spreadbets will need to be attended to (rolled over etc) every few months as a minimum, for example, and require a high level of background knowledge. Few participants in these markets are consistantly profitable.


Hi Pete,

hanks lot for the info, will have a look at all that, its's much appreciated.Risk?-yes I don't mind some of that.
The e mini future seems most nteresting,will check that out.

Thanks again
SAN FRANCISCO (AFX) -- December gold climbed $5.20 to close at $467.50 an
ounce in New York, its highest closing level since Oct. 28. Some strength in oil
prices as well as speculation of a revaluation of the Chinese yuan supported
prices, analysts said. Gold futures have now climbed a total of $9.60 over the
past three sessions.
I have just checked out They quote gold. I think it's per ounce. Currently at :-
Feb 516.4 - 517.2
Rolling 512.9 - 513.6
Usually 50p per point.
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