GOLD won't fall on this stock rally, 1000+ soon?

George Soreass

Junior member
Stocks have rallied, and you would think with such aggressive unwinding of defensive bets in the last few months gold would ba at 700 bucks, but here it is at 900, only a few % shy of all time highs .....

........ what do you think? still a massive cyclical bull market? I still think it's the best place to park cash over a 5yr horizon, this mess is FAR from over!
I agree. At least for one to two years gold will be the best option. Even though Bernanke says crisis is coming to end by this year, market data tells otherwise. IMF predicts the situation to continue till 2010; There is speculation that the test results will show the US banks are need of more capital depicting the vulnerability of the economy.

Therefore I think I'll put my money on safe heavens like gold. Anyway history has shown in the long run also gold has fared well.

What do u think guys 🙂
i belive gold will fall most probably to 800 and stocks continue to rise untill 1/2 months more, then it will reverse, stocks will slumber and gold will go to 2000 by december, if china sumps its dollars and heads for gold then 5000 is also possible

as for bernanke he was saying the crisis was over back in 2008, so i dnt give my time to clowns like that. you should be listening to experts like jim rogers, peter schiff and marc faber to know the realities
I disagree. I don't think gold will fall below 880 for next couple of weeks and resistance will be at about 920. Especially I don't expect positive results from stress results so it will most probably help the yellow metal and the share indices will get affected adversely.

I agree to certain extent with you with regard to Bernanke. But the bugger is the fed chairman so his statements must have some influence. and even though he says the things are lighting up still his statement is not convincing and I don't think it will have major positive impact on shares.

Anyways lets wait and see. 🙂
i belive gold will fall most probably to 800 and stocks continue to rise untill 1/2 months more, then it will reverse, stocks will slumber and gold will go to 2000 by december, if china sumps its dollars and heads for gold then 5000 is also possible

as for bernanke he was saying the crisis was over back in 2008, so i dnt give my time to clowns like that. you should be listening to experts like jim rogers, peter schiff and marc faber to know the realities