FTSE Beater
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Hi all
A couple of people have asked for a glossary So here goes.
Amateur Hour - First 1/2 to 1 hour of a market opening every day when knowledgeable investors take money from beginners
Ask - The price at which you Buy
Bid - The price at which you sell
Black Box System - A system that is brought "off the shelf", that someone else has programmed
BoM - Bet on Markets www.betonmarkets.com
Candles - candlesticks (a Japanese method of showing OHLC data) www.litwick.com
CCI – Commodity Channel Index indicator http://www.equis.com/Education/TAAZ/?page=42
CFD – Contract for Difference is another type of trading. It enables you to short shares and buy them back at a later point
CMC – Short for www.deal4free.com. A spreadbetting and CFD company.
CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
D4F - See CMC
EMA - Exponential Moving average. See MA
EOD – End of Day.
EPIC – The EPIC or ticker code, the short hand for a stock used in the city. VOD = Vodafone, BARC = Barclays…etc
ES - the ES ticker, ie emini S&P 500 futures
EW - Elliott Wave http://www.aeroinvest.com/about/elliott/index.htm
Fins - Short for www.finspreads.com. A spreadbetting company
FWIW – For What It’s Worth
Futures - A contract that it usually closed before a set date.
FYI – For Your Information
HTH – Hope This Helps
IB – Short for www.interactivebrokers.co.uk - A US based broker.
IMO – In My Opinion
IMHO – In My Humble Opinion
IMVHO – In My Very Humble Opinion
L2/Level II - A way of looking at the underlying orders that go to make up a share price. Most L2 lets you see how many Buy and Sell orders are in the system. Nasdaq L2 also lets you see WHO is putting those orders in.
LOL – Laughing Out Loud / Lots OF Love
Long – Another term for buying shares / indices etc.
LSE - London Stock Exchange
MA – Moving Averages. http://www.equis.com/Education/TAAZ/?page=14
Margin - The amount needed in your trading account to buy or sell
Market Depth - Same as L2
MM - Market Maker - People who buy and sell when no-one else whats to, to create a market and keep it moving.
NQ - the NQ ticker, ie emini Nasdaq futures
OHLC - Open, high, low, close as in price bars
OHLCV - Open, high, low, close, volume (as in a type of data feed)
Pit - The place where floor traders trade
PM - Private message, which can be found under the Community tab above
Res - Resistance
RSI – Relative Strength Index http://www.equis.com/Education/TAAZ/?page=100
SB – Spreadbetting - Another form of trading, where you bet on £ per point moves
Short – Shorting shares means selling them first with the aim of buying them back for a lower price
SP - the SP ticker, ie main S&P 500 futures
Spread - The difference between the buy and sell price
Stochastics - http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stochasticoscillator.asp
Sup - Support
TA - Technical Analysis
T2W Trade 2 Win
I’m sure there are others, so if you think of any please add this to this thread, and I will update it as we go along 🙂
A couple of people have asked for a glossary So here goes.
Amateur Hour - First 1/2 to 1 hour of a market opening every day when knowledgeable investors take money from beginners
Ask - The price at which you Buy
Bid - The price at which you sell
Black Box System - A system that is brought "off the shelf", that someone else has programmed
BoM - Bet on Markets www.betonmarkets.com
Candles - candlesticks (a Japanese method of showing OHLC data) www.litwick.com
CCI – Commodity Channel Index indicator http://www.equis.com/Education/TAAZ/?page=42
CFD – Contract for Difference is another type of trading. It enables you to short shares and buy them back at a later point
CMC – Short for www.deal4free.com. A spreadbetting and CFD company.
CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
D4F - See CMC
EMA - Exponential Moving average. See MA
EOD – End of Day.
EPIC – The EPIC or ticker code, the short hand for a stock used in the city. VOD = Vodafone, BARC = Barclays…etc
ES - the ES ticker, ie emini S&P 500 futures
EW - Elliott Wave http://www.aeroinvest.com/about/elliott/index.htm
Fins - Short for www.finspreads.com. A spreadbetting company
FWIW – For What It’s Worth
Futures - A contract that it usually closed before a set date.
FYI – For Your Information
HTH – Hope This Helps
IB – Short for www.interactivebrokers.co.uk - A US based broker.
IMO – In My Opinion
IMHO – In My Humble Opinion
IMVHO – In My Very Humble Opinion
L2/Level II - A way of looking at the underlying orders that go to make up a share price. Most L2 lets you see how many Buy and Sell orders are in the system. Nasdaq L2 also lets you see WHO is putting those orders in.
LOL – Laughing Out Loud / Lots OF Love
Long – Another term for buying shares / indices etc.
LSE - London Stock Exchange
MA – Moving Averages. http://www.equis.com/Education/TAAZ/?page=14
Margin - The amount needed in your trading account to buy or sell
Market Depth - Same as L2
MM - Market Maker - People who buy and sell when no-one else whats to, to create a market and keep it moving.
NQ - the NQ ticker, ie emini Nasdaq futures
OHLC - Open, high, low, close as in price bars
OHLCV - Open, high, low, close, volume (as in a type of data feed)
Pit - The place where floor traders trade
PM - Private message, which can be found under the Community tab above
Res - Resistance
RSI – Relative Strength Index http://www.equis.com/Education/TAAZ/?page=100
SB – Spreadbetting - Another form of trading, where you bet on £ per point moves
Short – Shorting shares means selling them first with the aim of buying them back for a lower price
SP - the SP ticker, ie main S&P 500 futures
Spread - The difference between the buy and sell price
Stochastics - http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stochasticoscillator.asp
Sup - Support
TA - Technical Analysis
T2W Trade 2 Win
I’m sure there are others, so if you think of any please add this to this thread, and I will update it as we go along 🙂
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