Giving something back

stoploss please

Established member

On Saturday, I went to a conference hosted by a non profit, charity/research group called CRY.

CRY stands for Cardiac risk in the young. Its main goal is to raise awareness in GPs and try to make the government take an active part in trying to minimize a risk that is taking the lives of eight young persons a week.

CRY also plays a major role in screening people who may be at risk and also counseling parents, siblings and friends who have suffered a loss. This counseling is actually carried out by volunteers who have suffered a loss.

I am trying to raise funds for the purchase of a cardiac machine for screening purposes. All donations will be greatly appreciated. I will post CRYs details tomorrow together with a method of payment to a ring fenced account held by CRY.

As I mentioned earlier, CRY is also involved in counseling and screening. If anyone feels the need to use these services, I will post contact details.

Thanks for your time
Kind regards
Hi Andy,

You may know that at the Traders Days we run we raise money for charity. On the past two events we have given money to the British Heart Foundation. Maybe your charity deserves some from this time?

What do you think? It would be in the region of £300.
That would be a really nice gesture. I want to speak to CRY first as I want to set up the ring fenced account first. The reason for this is that the machine we plan to buy will be named after a young person who past away. Also, once a target is raised, a baj is struck to commemorate that individual. These will be given to everyone is has been kind enough to make a contribution.

I will be back to you shortly. Once again, thank you for your kind support.