GF trade review


GF trade review
Recently, I happened to read an article. It was about a broker who won the FX prize which is GF trade. I was a little curious about the fact that they received an award for customer satisfaction in 2018, so I visited that site.
There were about two promotions in progress, one of which was the cashback promotion. I wanted to check if it's real or not. If it's true, the overall spread will be lower so I just started with a thousand dollars.
I withdrew $200 in the middle of the transaction. The reason was, to make sure that the money was withdrawn easily and that the broker was trustworthy. For me, the most important thing in forex brokers is a quick withdrawal. Broker with quick withdrawal is quite reliable to me.
And the most important thing is this. When I apply for the withdrawal, my money hit my pocket directly. My trading is so far so good and this broker isn’t bad, so I'm gonna keep using this. Peace.