getting tick data into ninjatrader


Experienced member
I have several gigs of forex tick data in various formats - including ascii or tradestation OMZ files.

If I try importing the files by symbol with NinjaTrader's 'import' command, it says the symbol's unknown.

The tick data file is called for instance AUDA0.txt where the A0 suffix means it's spot.

Looking at the symbols for currencies in NinjaTrader, I can find any AUDA0 symbol.

I can see the AUD forex symbol. Must I add this A0 part myself?

Had to ditch TradeStation 4 because it's got a 13000 bar limit and that is only about 520 days, which is only about 2.5 years. And i just bought 10 years of data.
Strangely NinjaTrader's instrument manager seems to have no concept of spot or forward like TradeStation does. The low-down is, you just change the name of the file to remove the spot/forward info, e.g. EURA0 -> EUR

Still haven't imported into NinjaTrader yet. My computer is busy splitting the tick data files from disktrading into 15 million row files.

Didn't realise how much work was involved here. Should have known better.