Getting Past Blocks / Barriers


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Getting Past Blocks / Barriers

I have come to the conclusion that one of the biggest problems I have in moving forward with my trading and probably non trading issues is finding methods to change my beliefs / ways of operating.

I can easily identify areas in my trading which I want to change. I am an obsessive note taker and list maker. The problem is not the awareness of what needs to be changed but an execution method to change it.

So what can one do to execute the changes you are aware you need to make. Writing a list of them and reading this daily, makes me feel good, though more often than not, that is all it does and I am unable to execute and make that change part of me.

Any ideas on this ?
hagadol said:
Getting Past Blocks / Barriers

I have come to the conclusion that one of the biggest problems I have in moving forward with my trading and probably non trading issues is finding methods to change my beliefs / ways of operating.

I can easily identify areas in my trading which I want to change. I am an obsessive note taker and list maker. The problem is not the awareness of what needs to be changed but an execution method to change it.

So what can one do to execute the changes you are aware you need to make. Writing a list of them and reading this daily, makes me feel good, though more often than not, that is all it does and I am unable to execute and make that change part of me.

Any ideas on this ?
Do you have a checklist where you only enter the trade when all the boxes have been ticked?

Do you verbally speak your goals and objectives everyday? Do you have them recorded playing on your iPod, in the car, in the background while you are trading, or while you are asleep? Changing subconscious self sabotaging patterns needs serious hard work. I hear NLP is good for this and I believe there are practitioners who specialise in helping traders.

Also try this. Make sure you program it with positive affirmations.
Lists are not actions

hagadol said:
Getting Past Blocks / Barriers

I have come to the conclusion that one of the biggest problems I have in moving forward with my trading and probably non trading issues is finding methods to change my beliefs / ways of operating.

I can easily identify areas in my trading which I want to change. I am an obsessive note taker and list maker. The problem is not the awareness of what needs to be changed but an execution method to change it.

So what can one do to execute the changes you are aware you need to make. Writing a list of them and reading this daily, makes me feel good, though more often than not, that is all it does and I am unable to execute and make that change part of me.

Any ideas on this ?

You have already identified the problem - excessive note taking and list making. Although the use of notes/lists is essential for a disciplined trading plan, it MAY get in the way of action. Making notes MAY be a good excuse for putting things off. You pretend that you are making progress, when you are not.

It seems to me that you want everything to be perfect and complete in your mind and will not take the risk of action without this. Possibly the extent of the task as defined by the length of your list makes it seem overwhelming.

I would suggest that you re-organise your list by category, priority and deadline. Category and priority would have to be defined in terms of your personal "mission statement" for you life and for trading in particular.

For each category, break it down into tasks with specific deadlines and priorities. Some will have tight deadlines and high priorities. Some will have high priority but looser longer-term deadlines and so forth.

By breaking each category down in much smaller steps that are easily achieved, you will be able to turn them into actions and cross them off your list easily. It will not seem so overwhelming. Also work on the items you fear/loathe most first (provided they fall into the high priority section). We all like to start with the tasks that seem most interesting and attractive postponing those that are least attractive. However this rarely leads to a sense of achievement as the more arduous but more important tasks remain undone.

There are many websites, books and articles on procrastination, which I think may be the issue.

Hope this helps
