Geat systeam


HI everyone , im fallowing you forum for a long time and now i ve come to share a ea that i bought to a guy , he came into fxforum saying sharing some demo accounts runing is ea , and i was amazed with the performance , after i saw it for some time , i decided to speak with the man , he was very gentil answring to my questions an i made the deal with him , ( i thougt this was one more trying to make money with me ) after 4 days he sends me the ea , this was last week , eith all the configurations that i needed to do .
On this weekend i was looking again to the demo accounts that he shows and take my decision of puting the ea on my live account ( you may call me crazy , but in this life if we do not try we dont know ) , this monday i put the ea working , always looking for some crazy drawdown and nothing hapend , i went to my work thinking when i come home the account will be at 0 , well at night when i come home i had 6 % of profit on the account , i was very happy because the guy didnt trick me , yesterday i come from work thinking that might have the account with a uge drawdown but when i went home i had more 5 % profit , i thinked man this systeam is great , i must share this , and i maked a promise to my self , if today i had some profit i will share with you the systeam , until now i have 14 % of profit since monday 🙂🙂🙂 , im not making publicity to his systeam just sharing my experience with him , he has a great systeam and he is a great guy always answering all the questions with considerations and respect !
I will inform you with the results of my account in the end of the week (expect that it will be good 😱😱)

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Amazing. The Geat tribe dates back to 10th century Anglo Saxon times, Beowulf and Grendel and all that. Who would have guessed that a systeam (olde English for a system?) would remain valid today?
Presumably they were trading wode or serfs or something, does this translate best into hogs and wheat or is it valid in other markets? Please let me know where I should send all my money.
Mike, you the best. You a great man, yeah for Mike, three cheers :cheesy: :clap: :clap:

Fancy spreading the joy like that, you must be a saint, well done :clap: :clap:

You just stuck that ea on your live account, went to work, and the money rolled in as if by magic. Hmmm, the guy who gave it to you, did he have glasses, a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt, perhaps carrying a wand of sorts?

hey guys i dont know if im going to loose all the money that i have in my account tomorrow , but until today i have good profit´s im not telling you to belive , im just sharing my expirience , just log into his accounts and see with your eyes what his systeam did last month or in april , and then you may belive in me ... but has i said i dont know if i will stay profitable until the end of the week , lets see what hapend ...
Well I'm betting the druid-based "Geat Systeam" is gonna stay well profitable Mike, the equity curve is pretty much a straight line for the stars innit?

It is heartwarming to know that "he has a great systeam and he is a great guy "; thank so much for sharing your warm fuzzy feelings here. I'm sure your new friend shared his system with you out of great kindness. What was this "deal" you made with him btw?
Well I'm betting the druid-based "Geat Systeam" is gonna stay well profitable Mike, the equity curve is pretty much a straight line for the stars innit?

It is heartwarming to know that "he has a great systeam and he is a great guy "; thank so much for sharing your warm fuzzy feelings here. I'm sure your new friend shared his system with you out of great kindness. What was this "deal" you made with him btw?

hey man , i didn make any kind of deal with him , i dont even know him , i just make business with him to buy the ea , wy cant someane be a great guy , man this kind of things suks , if someone comes here and say good thins about someone , thinks that a scam or something like that , if someone shares something his making a joke or trying to fake something , thats wy i never posted or open an account before , this realy sucks !!

man cya if someone wonts to close or delete this post be my guest i dont like to be in comunity that just what other users says is truth ,and what i tell is all a fake or scam or other thing ....
HI everyone i made the deal with him , ......


hey man , i didn make any kind of deal with him ,

Right, sorry Mike, "deal" must have some alternative meaning, didn't realise. Very decent of you to give someone you "don't even know" a rave review based on a couple of months of his supposed backtesting, and two days of your own results. He may have the best system in the world, and I shall be very happy for you, but most of us here look for a little more evidence before we judge a system to be "geat" or otherwise.
Right, sorry Mike, "deal" must have some alternative meaning, didn't realise. Very decent of you to give someone you "don't even know" a rave review based on a couple of months of his supposed backtesting, and two days of your own results. He may have the best system in the world, and I shall be very happy for you, but most of us here look for a little more evidence before we judge a system to be "geat" or otherwise.

when i said made a deal , was mening that i bought is ea , not that have made a deal to say good or bad things about him or other person ....

for me until now is a good systeam
