"Big Papa smoke big peace pipe and talk the big talk just trade, go up go down no matter, we traders we no care about others who are not traders" ..... says big papa oberfuhrerFurstenbergerLandstrasse.
But Fibo cares. Not everybody can be a trader, only the lucky ones make it and even they have the scars. But they can essentially live anywhere they want. so they pick the best-est Paradise based on beaches, mountains, food, infrastructure, low low crime, hi smiles, stunning tax free stock and futures market, stunning housing, stunning scenery, awesome food and stunning women. Thailand has won hands down for decades
Those who cannot do our profession live on fixed income and when their currency is crashing relative to the Baht, they suffer
All euro countries are suffering becasue when the Baht goes into a strength cycle it goes against all the gang together, including he dollar. Right now the Baht has buggered the dollar to near 30. Americans are getting hammered in Thailand. But Brits, Aussies and the rest are getting hammered more.
As a result the exodus from Paradise is huge. My favorite foreign coffeeshops, restaurants and whatnot are closing in large numbers as they cannot afford to be there no more.
Brits are escaping in droves back to Blighty or the smarter ones are moving to Nam
There is lots of expat forum and social media discussion about relocating to Vietnam but is it all hot air or are many now making that step?