Gap Closing Plays


I've recently been trialling a gap closing variation, which thus far("touches wood")(no, not THAT wood!), has shown a promising degree of success.
A simple ploy, whereby I look for a pre-determined minimum gap size on a few selected UK share prices, and, following the gap showing itself, wait for a second confirmatory signal which is the gap widening further in the first 10-15 minutes of trading. Then, hopefully, diving in before the oft seen retrace happens.
Is anybody else on here using, or is a fan of, gap closing plays? Or not?
I've recently been trialling a gap closing variation, which thus far("touches wood")(no, not THAT wood!), has shown a promising degree of success.
A simple ploy, whereby I look for a pre-determined minimum gap size on a few selected UK share prices, and, following the gap showing itself, wait for a second confirmatory signal which is the gap widening further in the first 10-15 minutes of trading. Then, hopefully, diving in before the oft seen retrace happens.
Is anybody else on here using, or is a fan of, gap closing plays? Or not?


If you really want to progress in this profession I suggest you try and gain a much deeper understanding of how the markets work rather than looking at superficial strategies. It is not a matter of getting peoples opinion on a trading methodology. Most people here are not as successful as you think so you will never acquire a permanent edge if you keep asking people what they think about this strategy or that. Study hard, practice, put your hypotheses through the acid test. This is the only way to progress. Don’t expect to make any real progress soon.
It's not really an "either/or" sort of situation though, is it? Whereas I obviously agree that studying and, hopefully, reaching a degree of understanding of the market is essential, it is always instructive to hear from others traveling the same road. Especially those who may have gone down the same blind alleys and dead ends which many 'newbies' are contemplating venturing down. Indeed, if this and other such forums are not for traders to discuss, compare, evaluate and criticize trading methodologies, then what are they for?
Also, I must confess that I find trading full-time to be a somewhat solitary existence, and whilst I don't dislike this side of it, it's nevertheless occasionally nice to know that somebody else is out there in the ether struggling with the same problems.
The revelation that trading strategies are, by their very nature, superficial, is something of a disappointment to me. I presume then that the oft-mentioned edge, which a few chosen ones seem to possess, is some kind of Zen-like transcendental state of mind, in which one is subconsciously attuned to the movements of the market?
A bitter blow, to those of us having to make do with technical analysis.
Ho hum.
It's not really an "either/or" sort of situation though, is it? Whereas I obviously agree that studying and, hopefully, reaching a degree of understanding of the market is essential, it is always instructive to hear from others traveling the same road. Especially those who may have gone down the same blind alleys and dead ends which many 'newbies' are contemplating venturing down. Indeed, if this and other such forums are not for traders to discuss, compare, evaluate and criticize trading methodologies, then what are they for?
Also, I must confess that I find trading full-time to be a somewhat solitary existence, and whilst I don't dislike this side of it, it's nevertheless occasionally nice to know that somebody else is out there in the ether struggling with the same problems.
The revelation that trading strategies are, by their very nature, superficial, is something of a disappointment to me. I presume then that the oft-mentioned edge, which a few chosen ones seem to possess, is some kind of Zen-like transcendental state of mind, in which one is subconsciously attuned to the movements of the market?
A bitter blow, to those of us having to make do with technical analysis.
Ho hum.

Do you not see the irony of what you have posted? How will you progress if you just keep discussing with others who are struggling? You will not attain any success by aiming for a consensus, trust me on that.
Do you not see the irony of what you have posted? How will you progress if you just keep discussing with others who are struggling? You will not attain any success by aiming for a consensus, trust me on that.

How will anyone progress when they start a new thread and find people telling them they are wasting their time. If you don't have anything usefull to contribute then don't post.
What you are effectively saying is there is no point in having the T2W web site.

My positive contribution (because I share x75's views on trading the gap) is initially to look here... Mind the gap there is also another thread set up on t2w for gap trading. When I find it again I'll post the link.

You can't be expected to know all the answers but as long as you know where to look for the answers you have a fair chance at success. T2W is one place to look for answers.
Thanks to both of you for your responses. I recognize that it must be like Groundhog Day for those who have been trading for years, when new forum members crop up asking the same questions as many others have undoubtedly asked before. The trouble is that the bleedin' obvious is often not identifiable as such until it's in the rear view mirror!
How will anyone progress when they start a new thread and find people telling them they are wasting their time. If you don't have anything usefull to contribute then don't post.
What you are effectively saying is there is no point in having the T2W web site.

My positive contribution (because I share x75's views on trading the gap) is initially to look here... Mind the gap there is also another thread set up on t2w for gap trading. When I find it again I'll post the link.

You can't be expected to know all the answers but as long as you know where to look for the answers you have a fair chance at success. T2W is one place to look for answers.

I'll second this, if you can't ask a question, whats the point, GAPS, yes important IMHO, they generally do get filled, so as Postmans states. read "Mind the Gap",
I suggest you try and gain a much deeper understanding of how the markets work rather than looking at superficial strategies. It is not a matter of getting peoples opinion on a trading methodology.

I thought I was being helpful when I wrote this but it's clear being 'helpful' means googling for maintream articles on the web and then posting a link. Whatever..