FX Options Expiry Dates


Junior member
Hi Guys.

I was wondering if you could help me understand something.

I have a demo account with Saxobank who offer FX Options. I notice on there that I can specify my own expiry date for my fx options. Is this normal? I haven't seen this on any other options platforms so far.

Usually I can only look at options for a fixed expiry date like traditional options. For example if I put in XDE I can pick Dec 2011. This doesn't allow me to set my own expiry date which is what I would expect with options.

Are FX Options different? And if so, why haven't I seen this on any other platforms? Just with Saxobank so far.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
FX options are normally traded OTC, which means that, yes, you get to pick your expiry. Exchange-traded futures options normally have specific expiry dates that are pre-defined by the exchange itself.