FX-2007: Feb 5th > Feb 9th

Whats your weapon of choice?

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Legendary member
Good trading all............... :D

2/4/2007 21:45 NZ Labor Cost Private Sector QoQ n/a 0.8%
2/4/2007 21:45 NZ Labor Cost All Wages Priv QoQ n/a 0.9%
2/4/2007 22:30 AUS AiG Performance of Service Ind n/a 49.5
2/4/2007 23:30 AUS TD Securities Inflation MoM% n/a 0.3%

2/5/2007 00:30 AUS Retail Sales n/a 0.2%
2/5/2007 00:30 AUS ANZ Job Advertisements (MoM) n/a 12.1%
2/5/2007 00:30 AUS Building Approvals n/a -0.4%
2/5/2007 08:55 EU German PMI Services (survey) n/a 57.6
2/5/2007 09:00 EU PMI Services (survey) n/a 57.2
2/5/2007 09:00 EU Euro-Zone January Composite PMI n/a n/a
2/5/2007 09:30 UK Official Reserves (Changes) n/a -$196M
2/5/2007 09:30 UK PMI Services (survey) n/a 60.6
2/5/2007 15:00 US ISM Non-Manufacturing 56.5 56.7

2/5/2007 15:00 CAN Ivey Purchasing Managers Index 52.0 49.4

2/6/2007 00:30 AUS National Australia Bank's 4th Quarter Business Survey n/a n/a
2/6/2007 05:00 JPN Coincident Index n/a 65.0%
2/6/2007 05:00 JPN Leading Economic Index n/a 18.2%
2/6/2007 10:00 EU Euro-Zone Retail Sales (YoY) n/a 1.3%
2/6/2007 11:00 UK BRC January Retail Sales Monitor n/a n/a
2/6/2007 13:30 CAN Building Permits MoM -1.0% 3.0%
2/6/2007 22:00 US ABC Consumer Confidence n/a n/a
2/6/2007 22:30 AUS AiG Perf Construction Index n/a 52.1
2/6/2007 22:30 AUS RBA CASH TARGET 6.25% 6.25%

2/7/2007 00:01 UK Nationwide Consumer Confidence n/a 83
2/7/2007 05:30 AUS Foreign Reserves n/a A$69.6B
2/7/2007 09:30 UK Industrial Production (YoY) n/a 0.8%
2/7/2007 09:30 UK Manufacturing Production (YoY) n/a 2.4%
2/7/2007 10:30 UK BRC January Shop Price Index n/a n/a
2/7/2007 12:00 US MBA Mortgage Applications n/a n/a
2/7/2007 12:00 NZ ANZ Commodity Price n/a 2.2%
2/7/2007 13:30 US Nonfarm Productivity 1.3% 0.2%
2/7/2007 13:30 US Unit Labor Costs 3.0% 2.3%
2/7/2007 20:00 US Consumer Credit $5.9B $12.3B

2/7/2007 21:45 NZ Unemployment Rate n/a 3.8%
2/7/2007 23:50 JPN Bank Lending (YoY) n/a 1.7%
2/7/2007 23:50 JPN Bank Lending Banks Adjust YoY n/a 2.8%
2/7/2007 23:50 JPN Money Supply M2+CD (YoY) n/a 0.8%
2/7/2007 23:50 JPN Broad Liquidity (YoY) n/a 2.7%

2/8/2007 00:00 AUS CashCard Retail Index (MoM) n/a -0.1%
2/8/2007 00:01 UK NIESR GDP Estimate n/a 0.7%
2/8/2007 00:01 UK Land Registry House Price YoY n/a 8.67%
2/8/2007 00:30 AUS Employment Change n/a 44.6K
2/8/2007 00:30 AUS Unemployment Rate n/a 4.6%
2/8/2007 00:30 AUS Participation Rate n/a 64.9%
2/8/2007 05:00 JPN Eco Watchers Survey: Current n/a 48.9
2/8/2007 05:00 JPN Eco Watchers Survey: Outlook n/a 48.9
2/8/2007 06:00 JPN Machine Tool Orders (YoY) n/a n/a
2/8/2007 07:00 EU German Trade Balance n/a 18.5B
2/8/2007 07:00 EU German Current Account (Euro) n/a 12.5B
2/8/2007 07:00 EU German Imports SA (MoM) n/a -3.8%
2/8/2007 07:00 EU German Exports SA (MoM) n/a -0.5%
2/8/2007 11:00 EU German Factory Orders YoY (nsa) n/a 6.1%
2/8/2007 12:00 UK BOE ANNOUNCES RATES 5.25% 5.25%
2/8/2007 12:45 EU ECB Announces Interest Rates n/a 3.50%

2/8/2007 13:15 CAN Housing Starts 215.0K 212.6K
2/8/2007 13:30 US Initial Jobless Claims n/a n/a
2/8/2007 13:30 CAN New Housing Price Index MoM 0.5% 0.5%
2/8/2007 13:30 US Continuing Claims n/a n/a
2/8/2007 15:00 US Wholesale Inventories 0.5% 1.3%

2/8/2007 23:50 JPN Machine Orders YoY% n/a 0.7%

2/9/2007 00:30 AUS Home Loans n/a -0.6%
2/9/2007 00:30 AUS Investment Lending n/a 1.8%
2/9/2007 09:30 UK Visible Trade Balance GBP/Mn n/a -GBP7193
2/9/2007 09:30 UK Trade Balance Non EU25 GBP/Mn n/a -GBP4631
2/9/2007 09:30 UK Total Trade Balance (GBP/Mln) n/a -GBP4723

2/9/2007 11:00 EU Euro-Zone OECD Leading Ind. n/a 109.4
2/9/2007 11:00 EU German Industrial. Prod. YoY (nsa wda) n/a 6.0%

2/9/2007 12:00 CAN Unemployment Rate 6.1% 6.1%
2/9/2007 12:00 CAN Net Change in Employment 21.0K 61.6K


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Hi Wasp.

I would be interested to know what software/broker combination your API strategy uses. I have finished automating my strategy but Prorealtime does not have an API and my testing has been with spreadbets so I am looking for the next stage.

Many thanks

little sideline whilst cable does its thing during the week...

Not sure how many of you may trade any of the pairs in the attached picture but, seeing as they are weeklies and no one has anything to lose, any thoughts and analysis on any of them...

Free BBQ and beer at mine for the winners

(plane ticket not included) :LOL:


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wasp said:
Not sure how many of you may trade any of the pairs in the attached picture but, seeing as they are weeklies and no one has anything to lose, any thoughts and analysis on any of them...

Free BBQ and beer at mine for the winners (plane ticket not included) :LOL:

lets do it the other way around, you pay the plane ticket, i pay for the beer :cheesy:


pullback to broken trendline, then to target .6580 in about 2 - 3 weeks, probably 4. book the tickets for then. :cheesy:


edit: look for the pin bar setups blending bars. daily beginning of jan, monthly currently at play. Weekly has a relatively clean pinbar setup from the last 2 weeks.


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Hmmm, how did I know you would be the one to tick 'something else' DC!? What that something else is would be fascinating to know...

Okay, Jacinto, we'll see how it pans out! Hows about I buy your beer on the plane for a compromise!

Insomnia getting the better of me caused me to look at the GBP/HKD last night as I went through the pairs on moneyrain and for some bizarre reason, it matched cable pip for pip, very strange... when I get time I'll compare it with a different feed but very strange occurance all the same......


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dc2000 said:
next forex traders meet down under then

You can fill us all in on the 'something else' option...! :LOL:

Unless of course its something only those in the elite arena of knowledge and the S club___ could ever grasp and to tell would be breaking the rules....

(ps. can you introduce me to Rachel Stevens?!) :cheesy:
Unless of course its something only those in the elite arena of knowledge and the S club... could ever grasp and to tell would be breaking the rules....

It reminds me of when I was about 8 there was something called the bazooka joe club secret decoder rings invisible ink and all that

Had to grab this off the 'brokers revenge' thread...........

The NFP's off the last 12 months, in comparison, weren't as bad as I thought they'd become


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Mornin' all...

Everyone ready to line their pockets with gold and thank the markets we don't have to go to a 'real' job!
wasp said:
Insomnia getting the better of me caused me to look at the GBP/HKD last night as I went through the pairs on moneyrain and for some bizarre reason, it matched cable pip for pip, very strange... when I get time I'll compare it with a different feed but very strange occurance all the same......

hi wasp,

regarding GBPHKD, i thought the Hong Kong dollar had a fixed (or at least semi fixed) peg to the USD. that would explain. if EURHKD matches EURUSD to the "pip", that should answer it.

Morning wasp
It must be 2.30am in nz
unable to sleep ?

are you going to be with us today ?

when are you going to sleep ?
hornblower said:
Morning wasp
It must be 2.30am in nz
unable to sleep ?

are you going to be with us today ?

when are you going to sleep ?

Close mate, Its actually 8:30 pm and I shall be around.... Trading manually of the 4hr so I catch a couple of hours kip here and there. I'm not a big fan of sleep, overated!

Jacinto, it was close but not like cable and HKD... very strange, unfortunately its pip for pip, would have been nice if HKD was about one candle ahead :LOL:


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wasp said:
Close mate, Its actually 8:30 pm and I shall be around.... Trading manually of the 4hr so I catch a couple of hours kip here and there. I'm not a big fan of sleep, overated!

Jacinto, it was close but not like cable and HKD... very strange, unfortunately its pip for pip, would have been nice if HKD was about one candle ahead :LOL:

wasp, think you compared eurusd with eurnzd. anyway, will be easier to find out about the currency scheme Hong Kong has. will find out in its Central Bank website.

jacinto said:
wasp, think you compared eurusd with eurnzd. anyway, will be easier to find out about the currency scheme Hong Kong has. will find out in its Central Bank website.


Yeah, my bad... try again..........


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Nice one Jacinto, explains a few things...

Meanwhile, nice little morning bounce on cable
Did you oanda traders sort out the issues or are they standing strong?