Futures Trading Income Taxation - UK / Switzerland


Hallo everyone,

I am a swiss citizen with a trading account in the UK. At the moment I am trading futures from Switzerland (the Eurex).

Where should I pay taxes. In the UK (where my account is) or in Switzerland (Where I am living)???

Could you help me ....

Thank you in advance

Best Regards ....
Hi, as far as I can tell, being a Swiss resident you are tax liable to any worldwide income that you generate.

Check out this link for starters and consult a tax professional in your country that specialises in trading matters.

Hope that helps you a little, good luck 👍
Hi Homestud (interesting moniker, btw!)

what rate of tax do you pay in Switzerland? Or is dependent on the canton where you live, e.g. Zurich?
I'm thinking of trading in Switzerland, moving from London for tax purposes.... have you traded in London before? How much slower are the systems out there??

As for your question, I would assume strongly that if you're domiciled in Switzerland, you pay Swiss taxes. I trade dax futures, and earn in Euros, but pay UK taxes
Hmmm, methinks you're not going to get a reply from Homestud.

As for broadband speed, you'll be able to get at least reasonable speeds I'm sure, especially in Geneva or Zurich (the financial capital). Check out Speedtest.net - World Results - e.g. Swiss Federal ETHZ gives you 65 Mbps

Being a swiss resident you are NOT taxed in the UK, if you properly declare your income from trading in CH (your Kanton/Heimatgemeinde), it might be zero, might be a lot more and even you might find yourself graded as a professional trader (gewerblicher Wertschriftenhändler) -even if you only take 5 trades a month). In that case you haven`t only the pleasure to pay the regular tax, but scocial-security (AHV) of ~ 9.5% of your income as well.

Incase you trade through IB, don`t consider them reporting to UK authorities only, you might be a subject of their offices (ZUG) as well.

