Futures System Development Partnership


Junior member

I have a proposal to make to anyone that is interested. I am looking to continue developing several high frequency-mid frequency trading programs in the futures market. I have run several systems in ES/NQ/TF/YM that were all 100% automated. Some were very high frequency (100 ms trades) while others were hour long trades. None of these systems were tremendously successful. However I have only been working on this for 4 months.

I am looking for someone, or a group of people to work with on fully automated futures trading strategies. Here is what I have to bring to the table:

1. I am a good programmer in C#, C++, Python, R, along with various other languages.
2. I have access to a lot of very accurate tick data
3. I have access to price feeds from any major exchange.
4. I work on this full time
5. I have a lot of experience backtesting and implementing strategies.
6. I have a deep understanding of the market

What I am looking for in a partner or group of partners is:

1. Creativity. I want someone to have lots of good ideas that they want tested and messed with
2. Motivation to find edges in the market

If you are interested in teaming up and either seriously, or just doing some work together once in a while, please message me. I would think that this relationship would work best over google wave or some similar platform.
