Futures historical data for CBOT


I realize the "where can I get historical data?" question has been posed numerous times. I found multiple posts from way in the past through a quick search here.

My questions is this, why is futures historical data so closely guarded?

It seems as if everywhere I've looked eoddata, cme group (where I thought surely they'd give it up free 😎 ), barchart.com, inside futures.com, will only give maybe a few months back or they want a fee which is fair.

Can someone explain this to me? And if I'm missing it, is there a place that provides complete historical data for CBOT futures free of charge (sort of like yahoo! finance)?

Thanks ahead of time for your advice,
the reason historical data has a price is because it has demand.

there is limited supply for the data (bloomberg/yahoo/barchart etc.) and there's some demand.
so why shouldn't it cost you something?

everyone knows that you need this data for something, ususally research, usually research that can generate some money for you it one way or the other. and they want in.
Thank you for your response. Notice in my post above I said "...or they want a fee which is fair."

I understand why there are reasons for a fee to be charged. It seems odd though that I can get mountains of historical data off of yahoo finance for example concerning stocks and indexes, but futures isn't listened. I should have clarified this further in my original post.

So back to what I'm trying to find an answer to, why is futures historical data seemingly guarded when other historical data such as index and stock data so easy to find, and free?