Futures hedging... something likes Forex


Hi there,
I'm searching a strategy to hedging futures
Something likes forex... buy and sell the same products

I have no idea how to do that with e-mini futures

I'm a scalper and my trades are very fast and i'm searching an hedging strategy intraday

Any suggest or reccomandation

Thank you to all reader
You cannot "hedge" futures on an offset basis as you can in forex. Your positions will be net out. The closest thing would be something like a calendar spread where you say go long the June and short the September. It's not a perfect offset, but generally will be pretty close so long as there isn't anything that comes up which impacts the spread directly.

Buy why hedge a scalp? It seems to me like the speed at which you're in and out of positions that hedging would both slow you down considerably and pinch you on the cost side.
In attachment you can see the comparison chart of ES and YYM


I don't have enough confidence with calender spread

I would to apply kinds of hedging strategies in that way, if possible
Wouldnt bother mate. There will be computers sh*t loads faster than you
Arbing the death out of those 2.


In attachment you can see the comparison chart of ES and YYM


I don't have enough confidence with calender spread

I would to apply kinds of hedging strategies in that way, if possible