Futures Contracts: min price per contract?


Junior member
Hi Guys,

I have been spread betting on Futures as a way to learn the trading using SMR Lines, Elliott Waves, Gann etc. The sheer reason was that I could bet as little as £1-£5 on an average per point/tick and that the deposit requirement as well as magin is low. That limited my initial investment and risk and allowed me to learn the trading and I made good money and have got a trading methodology that's working alright.

I don't know how much do I have to spend to purchase one contract of futures in real futures trading. Can someone give me an idea of how much is the price of one future contract for the following markets. This will enable me to decide if I am ready yet or not to step into actual futures trading.

I believe that what matters is the point value of the contract and not the actual value. Thus if point value is $10/point for say Cocoa contract then I am basically gaining or losing $10 per point up or down. Although the price of cocoa contract being say $1380/ton and minimum contract size being 10 tons my initial investment is $13,800 based on which my margin will be set. This means I need bigger deposits in my account.

Am I right to say so?

Would someone tell me the minimumn contract size and point valu of the following contracts or a website where I can find this?

1. Cocoa
2. Cotton
3. Coffee
4. Gold
5. Silver
6. S&P 500
7. Nasdaq
8. Wheat
9. Copper
10. US Treasury Bonds.

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