Funds management



I want to offer funds management for investors in the Forex market.

Account: 50 000 - 200 000 USD.
Average profit per month: 5-10 %
Max. drawndown: 20%
Profit: account holder 65 %, trader 35%.

5-10% profit per month is a good result, I believe. I'm not after huge profits, the main issues for me are stability and safety. My 7-year experience allows me to increase the account by 5-10% per month making low-risk trades. Why do I talk of the minimal account of 50 000 USD? That's because managing smaller sums is not a reasonable business to do since it's only with a sum of 50 000 USD or more that one can make most of the interesting and profitable trading schemes.

You can open the account with any broker. It will be a bonus if the broker has MT4 trading terminal.

There are lots of scam and fraud schemes these days. Many of you might know the story of Felix from forexpeacearmy

In my case I want to build an honest and trustful relationship with the investor. I don't want the investor to worry about his money being stolen or lost. I offer the investor to open an account to his own name, set the loss limitations and just let me know the password and login. If you have any interest in my offer, feel free to contact me at: [email protected] so we can discuss all details.
