Fundamental and Technical Books that help in job interviews?


Hi there,

I'm a college student (finance major) interested in getting into sales and trading or proprietary trading at a financial institution. I've never traded before except on Investopedia's Stock Simulator and I'm doing pretty poorly with a -99% annual return thus far at the pace I'm going, so I know nothing on how to approach trading.

I'm really interested in learning everything I possibly can about fundamental and technical analysis as they are two powerful ways in analyzing securities. So my humble request is basically if you experienced guys could inform me about some good books that I could buy so that I could learn about how to trade. From what I've checked up on the forums and on Amazon, there are a ton of books out there, so I don't know where to start.

I'm planning on picking up the Japanese candlestick book by Nilson and the technical analysis "bible" by Murphy. Is there anything else that would help me during interviews or are very helpful for a student looking for trading as a career? I don't mind textbooks at all, any recommendation is helpful! I also want to win the bet with my friends on the stock competition. 🙂

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