Ftse only for complete newbie


Hello Everyone

I am v.v. new and would like to trade the ftse. I'm very interested in the idea of trading but it seems very complicated and difficult. Yes I have read a little (I know I need to read a lot more; I don't have a problem with that). But I am not gifted at all in all the techical stuff everyone seems to be talking about here. I believe I will be fine on the psychological side of things but technically, God, it's like another language to me. Am I the only person who feels this way? The technical stuff seems to come naturally to the guys here (and a few ladies I've noted).

Can anyone recommend some simple straightforward reading or sites (anything else) I might look at please? I welcome and appreciate any help you can give. By the way, I have had a look at the beginners' stuff on here but I don't feel it's v. straightforward for someone with absolutely no experience in this area. I'm also not dense, I enjoy studying and reading but the technical stuff is what is really blinding me at the moment.

If anyone wants to email me any info (as a complete and utter newbie at this), I'm on [email protected].

Thank you to anyone who takes the time and trouble to reply...

ps. Enjoy the sunshine

Very true. We guys have no problem with the technicals but when it comes to co-ordinating colur schemes for curtains, we're hopeless (although RC wouldn't have a problem here).

I would suggest choosing one or two aspects of the technicals (basic bar charts and moving averages, for example), master those and then explore other aspects.

Do a Google search for "trading index futures" or similar. LIFFE, Eurex, CBOT, CME all have useful information.

Aslo try and read the equities markets reports on Reuters.com and Bloomberg.com every day to understand what and why moves the stockmarkets.

i haven't posted here, she's a newbie, how on earth do you think she's supposed to know you're my boyfriend ?