FTSE Down 1000 points


Established member
Do IGIndex (Binarybet) know something we don't as they are currently quoting the FTSE to be down -1027 points on monday.

Obviously they have some prior knowledge of some major disaster about to hit us, perhaps a meteor.

Unfortunately the market is closed so I can't open a position at this level.
adrian - it wouldn't take a meteor to do that. On Black Monday 1987 the ftse fell 12.5% and the same again on the Tuesday, equivalent to over 1000 ftse points in total at current levels. And nothing had happened apart from a storm across the South of England.
I guess, a meteor would probably only take it down 500 points and it would recover in about 6 days.

Within about 5 mins of me posting the FTSE shot up 1020 points, all this on a sunday 🙂