FTSE, Dax and DOW price feeds


Junior member
Hello, does anyone know how to get price feeds from the exchanges? Various charting packages obviously have them, but I'm looking for the data feeds themselves to build my own system.
Thanks v much for that, although unfortunately yes, it is those listed that I'm primarily interested in. I'll try contacting the Exchanges direct, but I fear their charges are going to be a lot. When you buy charting packages the exchange fee tend to be very small indeed (for example £3 per month for FTSE and the same for Dax) but I suppose they have the benefit of an economy of scale. I was hoping to find prices alongs those lines, but it may not be possible...
i would very much doubt you will find it for those prices, imo you will be talking 1000's to get everything you want
You're probably right. I'll probably have to buy the charting package and extract the data myself. Oh well, £120/month still beats thousands... thanks again.👍