FT350 Swings and Roundabouts 2009


Active member
This thread is based on an interest in the top 350 FTSE shares
.....long or short
.....and for short/medium term plays.
My personal preference is to use CFDs because I do not have any tax benefits based on SB
In my second post I repeat another post from elsewhere on recent actions that reflect the type of trading envisaged.
From http://www.trade2win.com/boards/swi...6510-s-not-enough-right-managing-trade-2.html
Riding the trend can be profitable.
I use CFDs on FT350 but mainly the FT100
Results can be a good entry after opening
Recent examples:
ABF: 21 April Entry at 675. They continued up to 22 May at circa 760 before flattening and drifting.
AVV: 26 May Entry at 590. Peaked at 750 Sold 731 2 Jun
EMG: 28 May at 226 Peaked at 267 sold 258 2 Jun

I have just started this one and missed ICP on 1 Jun. Entry possible at 460 (Previous close) for a rise to 590 with sale likely at 570+

I will be looking for further trends based on results or market sentiment over the next few weeks.
Any thoughts or interest in entering the discussion appreciated.
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Latest share to pass the test is IGG
IGG: Entry at 278 after upbeat trading..Still in target flexible but after 320