FSA Exam Unit 2(securities)


Hi guys,
Does anyone have a BPP(provider for the FSA Exam) passoword I could use? I have a 7city one an I am willing to exchange information to maximize probabilities of passing!
Hi guys,
Does anyone have a BPP(provider for the FSA Exam) passoword I could use? I have a 7city one an I am willing to exchange information to maximize probabilities of passing!
yh i have the bpp one...... i am new to this forum just getting the hang of it if u can private message me your number and ill give u a call and we can exchange the passwords fella
Hi guys...I have jus started studying for unit 2 securites and was wondering if anyone has the BPP question bank and answers textbook...if so I am willing to buy it off you...thanks
Is it still Multichoice?

If so just make sure you learn the answers rather than/as well as the reasoning, chances are you won't use half the info again anyway. But knowing that the answer to question X is easier to remember than why it's that......

About 3 of the questions i read on the tube on the way to the exam came up....3 points in the bag!!!
No Im not paying for a course...I am jus doing it straight via the SII. It was £100 and that includes online learning material and the textbook (which is what 7 city and BPP provide u with). What I do need though is the securities question and answer book which BPP provide as I think this will come in handy. Thanks a lot for your quick reply!
Hi guys,

I have signed up to the CISI (SII) and I have recieved a textbook and some online learning materials for securites unit 2 exam with access to past questions on each element. I was wondering if anyone was with BPP or 7 City and we could exchange login details so tht we could access each others learning materials and past questions to give us the best chance of doing well. If so please reply to this thread and we can get in touch.


FSA unit 2 Securities
Has anyone got any online mock exam memebership that i can use. Willing to pay.
Hello Every One;
I am new to this community, i am preparing for the unit 2 securities exam n having trouble, can someone plz help me in giving the mock question for it. i wud really appreciate, i have the CISI official workbook in pdf format which i can share.
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Hi guys,

I have signed up to the CISI (SII) and I have recieved a textbook and some online learning materials for securites unit 2 exam with access to past questions on each element. I was wondering if anyone was with BPP or 7 City and we could exchange login details so tht we could access each others learning materials and past questions to give us the best chance of doing well. If so please reply to this thread and we can get in touch.



Dear Pazta,

I have also booked for the securities-unti 2 , but havent got the elearning material containing those mock question, i would really appreciate if you can share those questions with me.


I'm curently studying for the Unit 2 Securities and have online learning with 7city, is there anyone out there that has BPP or SII willing to swap passwords pls my job is on the line really need to pass for my family and me.

fingers crossed
Dear All,

I would like to purchase a set for Unit 2 - securitise, for the CISI exam in 2011

Does anyone would like to sell?

Kind regards,
PS. The materials should include exam overview & Study Planner, Unit 2 Work Book, Chapter Questions & Mock Exam, Checkpoint book, DVD-ROM
Hi guys,

Would love some CISI (Investment Advice Diploma) Level 4 Securities mock q&a's...

Can forward level 3 & 4 IMC material in addition to CII Diploma and Advanced Diploma material i.e J06 & AF4.

Please email [email protected]


Hello All,

I would like to purchase the CISI, unit 2 (securities) study pack materials.

Kind regards,
Im in desperate need of some mock questions for the CISI IAD Level 4 Securities. Willing to pay, please help ! Or if anyone knows where I may be able to get some from that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Mark