French student - Career advice?


Junior member
I am 23 years old and I am currently a Student in Master in International Finance at a French Business School (Grande Ecole ; Top 10-15) and I am looking for a gap year, for a period starting in May or June 2011 through September 2012.

I'm looking for an internship in assets management (Trading, Brokerage, Portfolio management) to gain a strong experience in the financial sector, while at the same time having an international experience and discovering a new culture (London, Zurich, Geneva, Luxebourg, Bruxelle, Asia, US). This would also increase my open-mindedness through what I will understand from finance and economics in their entire entity.
All along my studies, I developed a deep interest in financial markets. I mostly learnt by myself how to analyze chart patterns (technical analysis) thanks to tips I found on the Internet or in books; apart that, I often participate in Investment contests. I also chose to study macroeconomics, microeconomics, modern portfolio theory and International finance and I can say I acquired a strong analytical and quantitative background. (I have a Bsc Economics)

I already had a working experience in a Bank as a SummerAnalyst in IS. But I analysed interest rates, discovered Bloomberg and Reuters, programed with VBA.

I need some advice to suceed in my research.
I know I don't have enough qualification to apply in big firms...So I am looking for a easier way. I don't want to be the world famous trader so I have no preferences about the size of the firm!
May be someone know opportunities that I couldn't know.

I could send my CV if somebody is interesting in my competencies.

Thank you very much for the time you spent reading my message

Check with the alumni of your GE, call directly the various HRs,... My bet is that you'll have better chance to get a intership with a small streetwise outfit than one of the largest banks (unless you're studying at HEC/ESSEC/ESCP...). You won't get paid - or a token amount - and you'll do some number cruching, but you'll probably be sitting / attending some interesting meetings and possibly replacing at the last minute the fund manager that got caught-up in another meeting / traffic jam / emergency/...
Good Luck.
Hi mate,

I am french and I am prop trader on the brent crud and I had following same studies that you. So if you want work in Bank forget. YOu need network for this place. The second choice is a trading acard for you. However you should be very motivate. So if you want I can give you a contact for london, give me your e-mail adress.

See you
and good luck