French Protesters Call for Bank Run on December 7 2010 - Goes Viral on EU-Webs


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“European Bank Run on 7th December 2010

The French want to break their banks by withdrawing their money on December 7th.

French activists call for a Europe-wide and joint account termination on 7 December 2010

"Everyone should get his money from the account."

What does this protest?
In France the last few weeks has been enough protest. Since demonstrating in the street have brought us nothing we understand that the real power lies in the hands of international banks and corporations.

All citizens of the country resolve your accounts in cash. The activists suggest, one can first put the money in a suitcase or invest it in a social bank.

So far 7000 people have signed up

Well, wouldn't the government just print more cash if they felt a publicised bank run was being engineered ?

Still, one to watch to see if the French can gather enough comrades this Xmas !

Good luck France ! :cheesy:

hmm human nature being what it is I expect Frenchies will start pulling their cash before the publicised 7th, I mean what if you went on the 7th and you couldn't get yours ? Is it (the cash) guaranteed / under written by the French Gov. ?
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That's my birthday that is... destruction of the french banking system and economy would be perfect present.

Unfortunately this won't work.
Well, wouldn't the government just print more cash if they felt a publicised bank run was being engineered ?

Still, one to watch to see if the French can gather enough comrades this Xmas !

Good luck France ! :cheesy:

hmm human nature being what it is I expect Frenchies will start pulling their cash before the publicised 7th, I mean what if you went on the 7th and you couldn't get yours ? Is it (the cash) guaranteed / under written by the French Gov. ?

If the unions advocate that then the UK should pull out of the Union. It would be a very irresponsible course to take, not that I am surprised with whatever the socialists do.

Stalin would have shot 'em! 🙂
If there is a bank run being publicized, you can be sure it's being engineered from the top!
There is no such thing as a grass roots movement,..anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.

Always keep in mind,.. The financial system as we know it, is being strategically demolished,.to be replaced with something quite different,...wakey wakey,..

Here's a little insight:
That's my birthday that is... destruction of the french banking system and economy would be perfect present.

Unfortunately this won't work.

ahh happy birthday for then squire,I don't think enough critical mass of frenchies are about yet to cause any damage. Seems a bit too much of sophisticated move for them after burning sheep n all ..
If there is a bank run being publicized, you can be sure it's being engineered from the top!
There is no such thing as a grass roots movement,..anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.

Always keep in mind,.. The financial system as we know it, is being strategically demolished,.to be replaced with something quite different,...wakey wakey,..

Here's a little insight:

hmm and I suppose that they would force all commercial agents to use this carbon card. maybe it will drive people to grow their own food more. But if resources are coming under pressure, then I can see how they will attempt to limit it's consumption, but how does that fit in with driving the economies and getting the consumers to borrow to spend as consumers ? Funny world, maybe it will be the end of the world economy as we know it, no more boom boom times ..
hmm and I suppose that they would force all commercial agents to use this carbon card. maybe it will drive people to grow their own food more. But if resources are coming under pressure, then I can see how they will attempt to limit it's consumption, but how does that fit in with driving the economies and getting the consumers to borrow to spend as consumers ? Funny world, maybe it will be the end of the world economy as we know it, no more boom boom times ..

Spinola, a couple of issues that have spooked me recently, Copenhagen and how it was high-jacked by Politicians attempting to *fly* the idea/s of taxing folk for fresh air, or rewarding them with virtual credits for being good citizens...really spooky...

Secondly yesterday with the announcement from govt that they're looking into "care credits"; virtual credits that you receive for caring for the infirm and or elderly to then cash in at the virtual favour bank at a later date for your own care..Just having a good long hard think about the thin end of the wedge that exercise represents leaves me cold..

Aiming for zero percent growth would be a terrific economic model, we're probably getting USA's QE Lite next week in order to sustain the equitable value banks still have in the housing stock/mortgage industry they allowed to run amok, you couldn't make it up if you tried could you? There are plenty of other indications of the fact that the $ as a reserve currency and our current global economic model is broken beyond repair, but those who make the real decisions will not release their positions of power and wealth without ultimate misery raining down on the rest of us.

On the subject of viral protests, imagine if all savers did what the wealthy elite have done for years; park your savings (however small) into equities/commodities that have virtually unbreakable long term upside and move your 5hitty sterling savings (getting 1% interest and eroded by 3-4% inflation) and parked it into Swissys etc..

Is the pen is mightier than the sword? Possibly, and perhaps the web could be used to grind the western world economy to pulp by with-holding labour for a period of a month with the message that the political landscape has to be completely re-engineered in favour of the greater good. The baby boomer debt slaves will never buy in to any from of mass 'bad behaviour', but the next generation will have nothing to lose from mass protest.
Is the pen is mightier than the sword? Possibly, and perhaps the web could be used to grind the western world economy to pulp by with-holding labour for a period of a month with the message that the political landscape has to be completely re-engineered in favour of the greater good.

Eric Cantona is joinging in !

And so I ask myself, does a Euro in a bank buy as much as one who is free in my pocket ?

