Freeze Your Dealing Quote With Easy Forex !


Established member
hmmm, well what with the talk from other threads regarding being bumped, refered to dealer etc this company seems to be offering the client, the chance to Freeze their quote for "A few Seconds" when deciding to take a trade or not.

Might be doable on a cable spread they quote...... interesting idea maybe... even with a wider spread might be opportunity to beat any lag based on their, you can deal this instant not only that but have a few seconds price freeze on us too........

anyone tried spanking it @ 200-1 leverage?

easy forex

hmmm.. this would open them wide up for traders who "game" the spreadbet firm.. watch realtime quotes, wait for news - see which way the market yanks while you freeze the pre-news price for your trade
Arbitrageur said:
hmmm.. this would open them wide up for traders who "game" the spreadbet firm.. watch realtime quotes, wait for news - see which way the market yanks while you freeze the pre-news price for your trade

Hi Arb,

I just had to chime in on this topic. I think a service like this makes it more evident then ever, how the odds are stacked against the retail investor in the forex market. They're basically giving the trader a "5 second head-start" and they know they're still going to win the race!!!

Later Arb and hope you're doing well,

absolutely agree. The sooner forex traders understand they are dealing with bucket shops not dissimilar from SB firms the better for them.

EBS and currenex type ECN's are the closest thing to an open market in forex, but coming from a futures perspective I just dont get how ppl can trade 'blind' without the transparency of last trade size, Time & sales and real market depth data.

Roll on CME's FX Marketspace collaboration with Reuters, hopefully that will be the death knell for the bucket shop firms.
The "freeze period" with Easy-forex is 3 seconds.

I can't imagine they would continue to offer this to accounts who trade news events.

Is it worth the risk of sending your money to Cyprus to get a 3 second "freeze" ? Maybe for some but I doubt it for most traders.
Hi Arb,

Good point. I guess it depends how the person trades, whether or not he needs the transparency of the last, real market depth data, etc. From our past discussions you know that our trading is strict mechanical trading, and therefore the transparency is not necessary. When a certain "price" is met, the trade is sent regardless if there is a million or 100 million available.

I used to daytrade equities during the "good ol' days," on a Level 2. Actually, I was using software designed by the owner of Vonage....but that's another story. Anyway, I had the same senitment as you....who in the world would try to trade throught etrade, etc, when they are at such a disadvantage? Those were the days of 10-15 second executions, too!!!

Arbitrageur said:
absolutely agree. The sooner forex traders understand they are dealing with bucket shops not dissimilar from SB firms the better for them.

EBS and currenex type ECN's are the closest thing to an open market in forex, but coming from a futures perspective I just dont get how ppl can trade 'blind' without the transparency of last trade size, Time & sales and real market depth data.

Roll on CME's FX Marketspace collaboration with Reuters, hopefully that will be the death knell for the bucket shop firms.

agree with almost everthing u say...

however, FX futures volume is only a fraction of the spot FX market volume...

so is "real market depth" applicable to FX futures?

that said, an ECN's "market depth" is no better...

hopefully "FX Marketspace" will be the revolution everyone is waiting for...



hmmmm.... with offices in israel & palestine?.....good luck!!
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remember that when the bucket shops tout the forex market as trading trillions each day, this is spread across hundreds of currency crosses. No individual retail forex broker comes close to the liquidity of the CME and Globex. When you have an account with a fx retailer, you trade its prices or not at all, subject additionally to the retailer's willingness to honor its prices -- and that is all the liquidity available to the customer. There isn't any more, as liquidity in other FX houses or ECN's is not transferrable. You are not trading in the spot market - you are trading against a bucket shop, so in reality there is no liquidity.

Globex has the third highest liquidity of ANY fx platform. Only EBS and Reuters FX beat it for liquidity. Remember that 1 Globex Euro futures contract is worth $125,000 notional currency, and with around 150,000+ contracts trading daily thats nearly $19BN trading on that one currency pair all in the same place, accessible by all - unlike EBS or Reuters.

Forex has a lot of $ business done for every currency cross in the world aggregate combining all transactions on all the disparate platforms and firms, but when you look at each pair individually at each firm, you start to understand that spot forex isnt as liquid as they want you to think.

If you put execution speed into the mix as well, globex will beat ANY fx platform including EBS - HANDS DOWN for execution speed. The OTC cash forex market is mostly used by traders or institutions who have genuine need to do business there for what ever reason, as in banks who need to deal in cash, spots or forwards as part of their business, but the markets that they access, such as EBS are generally closed to the majority of retail clients - hence why your average retail trader ends up dealing with bucket shops without really understanding the difference.

Futures also carry less risk than the OTC market - forex bucket shops are really the bottom of the pile - slow fills, massive counterparty risk (refco fx anyone), etc...

So you're absolutely right, hopefully FX Marketspace will be everything to everyone in spot.
hi, so how can i start trading currency futures? i begin to realize that forex retailers and spread betting are virtually no different, and i fee like i have finally woken up from their universal marketing plot.

is there any way to demo trade currency futures ? also, in terms of execution, are they OTC ? is it possible to trade news ? is the spread really only 1 ?
hi, so how can i start trading currency futures? i begin to realize that forex retailers and spread betting are virtually no different, and i fee like i have finally woken up from their universal marketing plot.

is there any way to demo trade currency futures ? also, in terms of execution, are they OTC ? is it possible to trade news ? is the spread really only 1 ?

open a account with ib and your away. can have demo mode to get you up to speed.
regards the spread, it depends when you are trading and what pair. most of the time 1 is spread for euro/usd.
hmmm.. this would open them wide up for traders who "game" the spreadbet firm.. watch realtime quotes, wait for news - see which way the market yanks while you freeze the pre-news price for your trade
In the good old days finspreads was like that. their quote would be for 4 seconds.