Free Paper Trading Account


Junior member
Does anyone out there know of free (or cheap subscription) paper trading accounts that are UNLIMITED not just the 30-90 day free demo accounts???
nickdd said:
Does anyone out there know of free (or cheap subscription) paper trading accounts that are UNLIMITED not just the 30-90 day free demo accounts???
Hello mate what are you paper trading...if it is forex and dow and dj stocks then alpari demo is pretty good.........I use it for all my back testing..platform meta trader and you can also code your Techincal analysis as well

Hope this helps
nickdd said:
Does anyone out there know of free (or cheap subscription) paper trading accounts that are UNLIMITED not just the 30-90 day free demo accounts???
For a range of instruments Interactive Brokers provide a demo account, which is 15 minute delayed, but you can use it unlimited. However your setups are wiped overnight.

They also have a paper trading account, which has identical characteristics to the real account, but you cannot open it until you have funded the main account.

However many of the brokers who advertise demo accounts won't expire them at the quoted period, because it is in their interests to keep your attention. The only thing is that they might have restrictions on the data supplied e.g. markets, instruments, time delay.

re paper trading a/c

rav700 said:
Hello mate what are you paper trading...if it is forex and dow and dj stocks then alpari demo is pretty good.........I use it for all my back testing..platform meta trader and you can also code your Techincal analysis as well

Hope this helps
Thanks v much 4 the reply, i should have mentioned-I'm really looking across the board a t the moment-big liquid markets. eur/$, s&p, ftse, brent crude, u can spread yrself 2thin obviously,but can also die if the 1 market u trade goes quiet. (Blah! blah! etc....)
paper a/c s

Charlton said:
For a range of instruments Interactive Brokers provide a demo account, which is 15 minute delayed, but you can use it unlimited. However your setups are wiped overnight.

They also have a paper trading account, which has identical characteristics to the real account, but you cannot open it until you have funded the main account.

However many of the brokers who advertise demo accounts won't expire them at the quoted period, because it is in their interests to keep your attention. The only thing is that they might have restrictions on the data supplied e.g. markets, instruments, time delay.


Hi Charlton. thx 4 the reply . gd common sense stuff.- am looking across the board at the mo big liquid fx, stock indexes, brent crude, hope 2 pair down eventually.