Free Console for you if you live in the UK


Active member
I'm going to reveal to you right here and now how to get a free Nintendo Wii within 2 weeks.
This only applies to people who live in the UK.

First of all, let me say that this is definitely not a scam and it is not a far‐fetched process. It is rather simple and I’m going to show you how it’s done right here and now.

I have seen 2 independent people get their game consoles and shown it off as proof. I know it works and I'm very close to getting my own right now.

I will outline the process of obtaining a free games console within 2 weeks of reading this post (or thereabouts).

You can only obtain one of these consoles if you live in the UK.

When I mention a games console, I am talking about one of these:
• Nintendo Wii
• Slimline PS2
• PS3 Premium Version (60 GB)
• Xbox Console
• Xbox 360 Core Edition
• Xbox 360 Deluxe Edition
• Nintendo DS
• Nintendo DS Lite
• Sony PSP
• Nintendo GBA

To receive your games console by post, you will have to complete the process exactly as I have written here. This process involves visiting 2 websites and performing certain tasks.

1) Visit this website

2) Select the console of your choice by checking the radio button next to the console you want.

3) At the bottom of the page, fill in your email address and create a password and register at the site by clicking on the Register button.

4) Follow the instructions and then login to the site with the username and password you created earlier.

5) Once you are logged in, proceed to the offers page and click on any of the offers which you feel like opting in for. I would recommend you use the LoveFilm offer. Although you will be signing up for some other offer, you will be able to claim your console without parting with
any money.
The LoveFilm offer requires you to sign up for DVD rental. You must provide your address and credit card details but you will not be charged for 21 days.
Within this time (usually 7 days), your free console account will be credited with your free console and they will send it out to you.
To clarify, LoveFilm allows you to rent 6 DVD's without paying a penny. To be credited with the offer, you must have at least 10 selections of DVD/Games in the rental list of your LoveFilm account ‐ it's that easy! LoveFilm will ask for your bank details when you register but will not take any money from you until the 21 day free trial period is over.
However, once your ConsoleGrab account has been credited with the offer from LoveFilm (usually after 7 days), you can cancel your subscription at any time during 21 day free trial period without paying a penny. This truly is a free giveaway and works on the basis that some people will forget to cancel their LoveFilm account or just choose to keep it.

6) Once this process is done, you need to tell a few of your friends about what you are doing and how it is done. You can even give them this document.

7) Grab your referral link from the console website and give that to your friends and family so that they can claim their own.

For example, if you want a Nintendo Wii, the required number of referrals is 11. This means that you need 11 confirmed referrals to the same website before they will send out a free Wii to you.
If you want an Xbox 360 Core Edition, you will need 12 referrals. Do you know 12 people who may want a free games console? Not bad huh?

8) It’s quite easy to refer people to the free console site. Paste you link at forums and other public places and invite people to claim their own free console. Show them this post for an easy way to explain the details. You won’t know how easy it is until you try.

Just remember to click directly from the Free Console Site to the LoveFilm site using the link inside the free console site otherwise it won’t work. When you arrive at the LoveFilm site, there may be a Code filled in automatically for you so proceed from there. This is how
LoveFilm know that you came from the Free Console site. LoveFilm will then give the free console site permission to send you the console – usually after 5 days.

That’s it.
Enjoy your games console.

Here is the website once again:
