Fortune Oil

The Baptist

Established member
Any one up for a break out for 40 - 66 % in 4 days?


I trade Momentum breakouts.

I am looking at a technical momentum breakout on a FTSE share - Fortune Oil.

I have calculated that it should breakout in the next 4 days if it performs as expected. The first confirmation of BO at 887.5 second at 987.5 and 3rd at 1012.5

last Close 837.5 I will be looking to accumulate in the 825.0 - 862.5 range with a target for unwinding my position starting from 1215.0 thru to 1380.0 if all goes to plan a further 4 to 5 days of mainly up days after Breack out 1 at 887.5. Failure to do so by the 5th day should be the signal to wind up the position.

Initial stop Loss to be set at 762.5 then trailed to 825.0. Set profit stops at the target levels above. Can't find a spread bet on this share may require to be traded through traditional online broker.

This is my view purely and I share this assessment purely for others interest with out any culpability for others trading performance as a result of what stated on the boards.

I'll be interested to hear if others may find the posting of my breakouts as something of interest or value, it goes without saying that I will be involved in these trades and have a declared interest in them going up.

Profitable trading to you all.

8.3.04 - 08:21
A correction to the above post IG Index will run a spread but ask them to work it to get around a wide spread on this penny stock.