FOREX - Running the Stops


Junior member
If a currency is falling and it recoveres slightly to make a pivot high (1), but then continued to fall so that price, MACD and ema areobviously down, then it would be fair to say that some of the "Shorts" on this leg would place their protective buy stops a couple of pips above the pivot high(1)

What prevents me from entering a limit sell stop a couple of pips above PH (1) and then being short in a market trading say 20+ pips below my entry.
In order for your limit sell stop to be filled, the market would have to return to that price, not still be 20 pips away.
nothing to stop you doing that at all, but you need the vision before it gets there or as JO says the market (if already traded as you described) would need to trade back up making a possible double top? or not depending on what the market actually does. Or if your immediate view whilst its trading on the first pivot high is lower prices , market order sell.... that instant... at times you will watch prices trading at a level and get a thought that the price will now go there to that level, and it does, welcome to intuition and the task of working out..... "do I go witht that, right this instant" and when the price gets here ,its going there, do I go with that... crikey........ can we see the future.? huh....
Many thanks JO and FX. I have always just assumed that the market must migrate to the stops first before they are hit until yesterday when I saw a huge spike down on the EC Dec 05 just after the RTH open.
It lasted seconds, dropped down 20 points and took out all the stops under the low of the glbx before climbing. All in all it dropped 20 points and climbed 53 within 2 - 3 minutes.
I managed to grab a few points, but it was too fast and the slippage too great to make much of it even though my fills came through in a few seconds. Actually a dangerous trade in retrospect
but seemed good at the time ( wonderful thing is retrospect)

I had a lightbulb moment and I thought since I know where the stops are ( who with half a brain doesnt!) what is to stop me putting in a counter stop and make a trade.
The funny thing is that after several years of trading, I still do not know the full answer other than the market must move there first.

Any further enlightenment from you would be greatfully received as at the moment I have a blankspot where my brain should be.
For example if I entered a sell at the exact price that buy stops were placed, what would happen to my sell.
Would it just sit there alongside the buys? What would it look like on Level 2?
hmm, I donot use limit orders, so wouldn't know how things look on systems. But Stops maybe all over the place so many tics above or below s/r, how far the price runs to various levels is far from cast in stone hence its not right for me to have a limit order sitting at x.... as in may go way beyond x. But I'm instant to a second or 2 and that is sometimes too late I mean it reaches the level at which you percieve a change price may bounce away a tic/4 etc. , its intuitive feeling that tells me ok now take that price or wait a second ,next price.... but if i sense its pulsing /grinding almost on the spot, spread either way, funny term I know, then I'll take it.

I dont tend to think of stops and price just price how its reacting, although stops will of been hit etc.....
yeah with the volatile moves.... they can be risky to initiate a position prior to or during, yet if you are trading small frames then there really is no need to rush. thats how I feel with it. I just see what happens and wait. wheres it been wheres it gone, NOW whats it doing and going to do....... again no limits, to me thats potentially going to cost me, as my entry is very very dependant on what the price is doing as opposed to my view on what it is was going to do half an hour ago . This intuitive thing I allow? accept?(for me anyway)develops as the price does, tic by tic, so no point me using a limit at a fixed price point. too rigid?

Why do you use a limit? I mean sure there have been times when if using a limit with hindsight then you would of gained a better fill but... I dont know.

maybe i can learn something here myself about limit orders what are the pro's and cons for them ?
Hi FX,

I do not use stops. I take a look at the glbx session and then trade from the 15 M with entries on the 5M. To accurate, I have the 15 & 5m charts open and I watch both. I sell into upthursts
and buy into downthrusts ( oops, I mean I try to) and I still get screwed on the fills.

It was just that having seen this overly energenic 5M bar yesterday morning, I wondered what would happen if I slapped a limit order into the market where the protective stops live.
And I still dont fully understand.