Forex record keeping program?


Junior member
Well, I've done it !

After weeks of reading/learning, I've taken the plunge. I'm trading! With mixed results, I might add. My first two trades were winners, then two losers, then two more winners. Not bad, I suppose. Is this par for the course? My losers were bigger than my winners, so I'm pretty much back where I started ..... Ah well, I'm still learning.

My reason for this post. I've now accumulated lots of pieces of paper related to my trades, and realise that I really could use some sort of record keeping software. I've got an Excel spreadsheet, but I'm not really comfortable with Excel .. it's got a mind of it's own (and anyway, it's Microsoft, so inherently unstable). Can anybody recommend such a program?
Not quite what I was looking for

Thanks for that.

Very interesting, but not quite what I was looking for. I'm just after a basic program that can log my winners and losers. I'm hoping that by keeping historical data, I can look back and see a (hopefully) improving trend. If the program has room for comments and possibly the odd screenshot, then that would be useful.
FutureMillionaire? said:
Thanks, but I don't have a MAC.
send me a pm with your email address a goog friend of mine called Pc has created this excel program which calculates pips by day month and stratergies used and it is not too complicated.....