Forex Peace Army

Also, be aware, when looking at "review sites" like that, that people with a post-count of "1", and people with a low post-count all of whose posts are apparently recommending (or defending) the same product/service are almost invariably shills posting on behalf of the product's manufacturer/service's vendor (just as they are in this forum, and others).
Also, be aware, when looking at "review sites" like that, that people with a post-count of "1", and people with a low post-count all of whose posts are apparently recommending (or defending) the same product/service are almost invariably shills posting on behalf of the product's manufacturer/service's vendor (just as they are in this forum, and others).

Good points Alexa but generally only a small number. On PA they are relating their woes on some product or other. Wish I had looked before I leapted
Good points Alexa but generally only a small number.

Yes ... agreed: usually only a small number of them. Some experience of forum administration and moderation has made me very aware of them, though.

They're typically brand new members who "magically" appear and make their first posts, quite close together, as soon as a particular product or service is mentioned. You don't have to be much of a skepchick to envisage that they've all been informed by a Google alert (of their name being mentioned in a new place on the web) or something similar. 😏

They tend to post using proxy servers, as well, to conceal their true IP numbers (why some forums continue to allow this is absolutely beyond me - I know there's at least one flourishing trading forum in which it isn't allowed and anyone posting from a proxy server is summarily ejected).
dealt with them before ........beware "independent" review sites .........FPA make sites look like angels 😉


The other drawback is a lot of paid reviews which may distort the true image of the company you scrutinize:|
I suppose there's some safety in numbers, and some value in clearly unincentivised reviews written by longstanding, respected members who are clearly trusted within the context in which they're making their comments, but by the time you try to take into account (on one side) the shills, paid reviewers, promoters and affiliates, and (on the other) the trolls, the smackheads and the people who have probably misused the product/service and/or should obviously never have bought it in the first place, it can be really difficult to form any coherent impression of trading-related products/services.

Call me old-fashioned, but I always think you have the odds slightly more in your favour, with a textbook published by a respected, mainstream, orthodox, accredited publisher (rather than just "online" where there's really no quality control at all and "anyone can publish anything"), because at least that way you know that there's been some proper "peer appraisal" and some professional quality control, before the product's released.
I suppose there's some safety in numbers, and some value in clearly unincentivised reviews written by longstanding, respected members who are clearly trusted within the context in which they're making their comments, but by the time you try to take into account (on one side) the shills, paid reviewers, promoters and affiliates, and (on the other) the trolls, the smackheads and the people who have probably misused the product/service and/or should obviously never have bought it in the first place, it can be really difficult to form any coherent impression of trading-related products/services.

Call me old-fashioned, but I always think you have the odds slightly more in your favour, with a textbook published by a respected, mainstream, orthodox, accredited publisher (rather than just "online" where there's really no quality control at all and "anyone can publish anything"), because at least that way you know that there's been some proper "peer appraisal" and some professional quality control, before the product's released.

On the ball as usual Alexa. It might be better if FPA did the tests themselves but it would probably be too costly if they had to actually buy the programmes. But as their site achieves enough kudos in the Forex world I expect many genuine EA builders would be delighted to show off their products and get the FPA endorsement.
Some time ago I read an article about forex peace army I done onsite advice you pay close attention to this site and recommantation offering.
Actually, FPA could be a double-edged weapon, one the one hand it is quite reliable and useful, but one the other, as it was mentioned above, full of paid messages and kind of cheaters trying to prove their transparent strategies)