FOREX Market Reversal Levels

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FMRL on EURUSD H1 7 January 2014

FOREX Market Reversal Levels

The FMRL numbers are used to indicate where we expect a price direction is most likely to be supported, meet resistance or to reverse.

There are FMRL numbers for 28 currency pairs, plus gold, oil, Dow, S&P, DAX and FTSE.

Here are today’s FMRL lines for EURUSD on an H1 chart.

FMRL on EURUSD H1 8 January 2014

FOREX Market Reversal Levels

The FMRL numbers are used to indicate where we expect a price direction is most likely to be supported, meet resistance or to reverse.

There are FMRL numbers for 28 currency pairs, plus gold, oil, Dow, S&P, DAX and FTSE.

Here are today’s FMRL lines for EURUSD on an H1 chart.

FMRL on EURUSD H1 9 January 2014

FOREX Market Reversal Levels

The FMRL numbers are used to indicate where we expect a price direction is most likely to be supported, meet resistance or to reverse.

There are FMRL numbers for 28 currency pairs, plus gold, oil, Dow, S&P, DAX and FTSE.

Here are today’s FMRL lines for EURUSD on an H1 chart.

FMRL on EURUSD H1 10 January 2014

FOREX Market Reversal Levels

The FMRL numbers are used to indicate where we expect a price direction is most likely to be supported, meet resistance or to reverse.

There are FMRL numbers for 28 currency pairs, plus gold, oil, Dow, S&P, DAX and FTSE.

Here are today’s FMRL lines for EURUSD on a compressed H1 chart.

Quite rightly, this thread gets little interaction. The banality of posting up s/r levels without any indication of which of the myriad levels provided are likely to cause a reversal or how they may improve one's trading.

You may just as well throw yarrow stalks and note the levels upon which they fall.
Quite rightly, this thread gets little interaction. The banality of posting up s/r levels without any indication of which of the myriad levels provided are likely to cause a reversal or how they may improve one's trading.

You may just as well throw yarrow stalks and note the levels upon which they fall.

Well he refused to interact to even simple questions, and prefers instead to post links to his site 🙄
Take your pick:

Was the flack you got on the previous website because of the distance between each of your s/r levels? Apart from the outliers well away from current price level, there appear to be levels every 5 to 10 pips.

You mentioned they didn't perform well in 2012. How are you determining this, and how have they performed in 2013?

To have 14 different levels suggests that there is a 7% chance of having the correct level any particular day. Do you not find that %ge just a tad low?

How are you determining performance of these levels? You must have a metric for this, i.e. what constitutes a reversal and within how many pips of the line are you considering the line valid.

Surely all you had to do was go back one page and read this. If you have so little interest in this thread that you can't read all 2 pages of it, why would you expect anyone else to be interested?😕
Simple answers

There are 27 levels. Nine each monthly, weekly and daily. We suppose different sets are used depending on the periodicity of the charts being traded. The daily EURUSD levels are currently tight reflecting recent turgid price action.

Our levels became increasingly unreliable though PA distortion caused by the price fixing actions of Central Banks and market makers. The big end of this manipulation seems to have stopped thanks to tighter regulation and prices are moving much more naturally again.

Some people choose and use our levels. We don't ask them how. It would be worrying if our numbers were wildly different to other levels. But they really are quite different because they are calculated following a set of behaviours found in nature which are very similar to natural price action. We aren't aware of anything like them in the open market.

Hope that helps.

Again, you haven't answered what was asked. Like I said, failure to answer the simplest of questions.
We aren't aware of anything like them in the open market
so there is nothing to compare them to and yet you say
It would be worrying if our numbers were wildly different to other levels.
what other levels, if they are unique, is that not a contradiction?
But they really are quite different because they are calculated following a set of behaviours found in nature which are very similar to natural price action
Ok so they're the not the same as other levels..I'm confused 😕

Some people choose and use our levels. We don't ask them how

they're unique, you created them but you're not going to tell anyone how to use them, and which of the 27 different meaningless levels to use..well of course not, that would be madness wouldn't it :whistling
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