Forex Managed Accounts - Stable Returns



I am offering Forex Money Managed Accounts with stable returns using a 2 year demo tested/4 years live tested trading system.

What are Forex Money Managed Accounts?

Today Forex managed account service is very popular for investors all over the world.
You do not need to trade yourself, track the news and digest different sources of financial information. Moreover, you cannot do that properly, if you do not have special education and vast experience. The solution is to hire a trader to do this routine (but very important) job for you.

What are the returns and fees?

I am not offering any holy grail or a get rich quick system, so if you are looking for one don't read further. The
expected returns per month are 7-10%. My management fees structure is a bit different. You keep the first 7% of the profit for any month and anything on top of that will be my fee. If in any month the profits are less than 7% you don't pay anything and get to keep all the profits.

My Trading System?

It involves a combination of custom designed indicators. My trades are based on 60% technical analysis, 35%
fundamental analysis and 5% on certain bank forecasts. My trade time ranges from intra-day to a intra-week. So positions might be held overnight. My maximum open positions limit is 2.

What is the drawdown/risk?

Every investment comes with a risk so does this one. My money management involves equity stops. So a total of 25% equity is at risk for all the trades combined. (Ex. For a $10K account, all trades will be closed once equity reaches $7500). In the event of loss, if you continue trading you don't pay any fees until the account is
recovered and the monthly statement is in profit.

Performance results to back this up?

I am attaching my trade-by-trade performance of my personal live account. For privacy reasons the account related info is censored. If for some reason you can't access the results, you can email me and I will send them to you. (Contact Details are below).

How do you get started and minimum investment?

The minimum investment is $10,000. To get started you need to open an account with a Forex Broker and fund it. You will need to give me LPOA(limited power of attorney) to execute trades. We will have to sign a mutual agreement.

About Me?

I am a solo trader based in Houston, TX, USA. I have been trading forex since 8 years and managing accounts since 2 years. I DO NOT work/operate/own any kind of investment firm.


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Do you understand how skeptical this would make anyone?
You get on here with your first post, and are asking someone to invest $10,000 with you.
Also, anyone should be skeptical when you only have made 140% profit for the year on initial 30% margining.
Also at 7%, you are asking me to make a maximum of $700 per month, and with maximum risk, especially when you are using 30% margining.
You advertised 7-10% per month. This means you keep 3%, which means you are making $300 per month while managing someone else's account. That's called working real cheap.
Also, even 7% compounded for the year is 125% interest. Assuming you make the minimum 7% for your client, then that leaves you with making $1,500 for the year. Sorry, something does not add up. There is no reason anyone would want to trust a total stranger with $10,000 in light of these facts.
Your current fee system is a joke. You and your unfortunate client are at complete odds. Up to 7% you get nothing and they get everything, after that you get everything and they get nothing, so what's good for you is bad for your client and what's good for them is bad for you. If, by some insane coincidence you're genuine, do a proper fee structure.

This is one of the most retarded things I've seen on T2W, and that's saying something.
Do you understand how skeptical this would make anyone?
You get on here with your first post, and are asking someone to invest $10,000 with you.
Also, anyone should be skeptical when you only have made 140% profit for the year on initial 30% margining.
Also at 7%, you are asking me to make a maximum of $700 per month, and with maximum risk, especially when you are using 30% margining.
You advertised 7-10% per month. This means you keep 3%, which means you are making $300 per month while managing someone else's account. That's called working real cheap.
Also, even 7% compounded for the year is 125% interest. Assuming you make the minimum 7% for your client, then that leaves you with making $1,500 for the year. Sorry, something does not add up. There is no reason anyone would want to trust a total stranger with $10,000 in light of these facts.

I agree with the first post part, well I am pretty old visitor of this forum, but I never signed up.
Ok, if you look at the statements closely, I DID NOT compound for a year. It is my personal trading account so each trade was executed keeping $10k equity in mind
Regarding the fee structure...I will evaluate this while responding to the second post.
Your current fee system is a joke. You and your unfortunate client are at complete odds. Up to 7% you get nothing and they get everything, after that you get everything and they get nothing, so what's good for you is bad for your client and what's good for them is bad for you. If, by some insane coincidence you're genuine, do a proper fee structure.

This is one of the most retarded things I've seen on T2W, and that's saying something.

You know whats bad? Critics are the only people who lack knowledge for a certain topic.

Let me explain what my fee system is about?

In general every legit/reliable money manager gives you a turnover of 5-15% every month. In return they ask for a management/performance fee of 30%. Lets do the math, suppose the turnover is 10% on 10k = $1000. Investor keeps 700(70%) trader keeps 300(30%). Keeping everything on top of 70% of the profit(7% ROI) I have an advantage room upto 15%. So thats double profit for me. Does that ring a bell? If it doesn't, you should probably delete your account from this forum and go back to elementary school.
Regarding the odds thing you are talking about, I think that was an epic fail while trying to act smart. Would you want to evaluate on your odds theory once again?
When you say 7-10% per month, that is compounding. You may not have compounded in your head, but that is still what is meant when you say per month.
10,000 at 10% makes 11,000
11,000 at 10% makes 12,100
12,100 at 10% makes 13,310
Therefore, the gains in your original proposal are much less
Etc, etc. 10% pe month is just that. Per month.
You are also using 30% margining, which is very risky to be trading for others.
I've been told I'm risky, and I only do 10%.

I agree with the first post part, well I am pretty old visitor of this forum, but I never signed up.
Ok, if you look at the statements closely, I DID NOT compound for a year. It is my personal trading account so each trade was executed keeping $10k equity in mind
Regarding the fee structure...I will evaluate this while responding to the second post.
I've been your critic too. Constructive critic? Of course. I would defy you to tell me I don't know what I am talking about.
I have already pointed out you don't make close to the 10%, and that your margin of 30% is doing a prospective client no favors, because of the high risk and low return.
Most account managers cannot trade for themselves personally, and that is why they want to trade for someone else (Nothing implied concerning you. I don't know you, except I do know you can't deliver based on the 1-year numbers your are showing, and it is high risk at that.). They charge circa 30%, and you got that part right. Many of them also charge a flat turnaround fee on each trade, regardless if it wins or loses.
I also know almost every money manager has failed. Why? Because, I was in the back room of a major brokerage and was introduced to the live records.
Now, respectfully, let me tell you something else. Single-digit returns per month are okay for a lot of traders. I have always said the object is to win. But, there is nothing impressive about 7-10% per month, especially at 30% margining. It's high risk and low amount of pips. This is another reason why most money managers lose. It's okay to play that game and come out smelling like a rose on their own account, but something happens in the mind when it's a game with OPM.
I will say this. If you were to get those same returns on OPM (I sincerely doubt you will, and those returns are miniscule.), then your fee system would work in favor of the client, but you would make next-to-nothing. Guaranteed! If you revise it in your favor, then the client gets ripped off. Someone will lose.
Also, if you do not have the special seucrities license, you will not be trading off of the brokers' PAMM. Therefore, if you have multiple clients, you will have to trade for them and handle all the trades as separate entities. Somebody will be in for a world of hurt.
As far as you are concerned, and this is none of my business, but trade for yourself, only. Your gains speak for itself and for yourself. You're not doing bad. Save yourself and others the headaches and the bad press you will get down the road.
Also, I understand when you imply "stable returns". 7% is locked in for the client, before you take your remunerations. That is commendable of itself. I hope I properly enunciated how this whole thing is poked full of holes for you and the client. It's evident you didn't consider all the angles, and your facts were eskewed, as was evidenced by your lack of command of the mathematical end.

You know whats bad? Critics are the only people who lack knowledge for a certain topic.

Let me explain what my fee system is about?

In general every legit/reliable money manager gives you a turnover of 5-15% every month. In return they ask for a management/performance fee of 30%. Lets do the math, suppose the turnover is 10% on 10k = $1000. Investor keeps 700(70%) trader keeps 300(30%). Keeping everything on top of 70% of the profit(7% ROI) I have an advantage room upto 15%. So thats double profit for me. Does that ring a bell? If it doesn't, you should probably delete your account from this forum and go back to elementary school.
Regarding the odds thing you are talking about, I think that was an epic fail while trying to act smart. Would you want to evaluate on your odds theory once again?
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I've been your critic too. Constructive critic? Of course. I would defy you to tell me I don't know what I am talking about.
I have already pointed out you don't make close to the 10%, and that your margin of 30% is doing a prospective client no favors, because of the high risk and low return.
Most account managers cannot trade for themselves personally, and that is why they want to trade for someone else (Nothing implied concerning you. I don't know you, except I do know you can't deliver based on the 1-year numbers your are showing, and it is high risk at that.). They charge circa 30%, and you got that part right. Many of them also charge a flat turnaround fee on each trade, regardless if it wins or loses.
I also know almost every money manager has failed. Why? Because, I was in the back room of a major brokerage and was introduced to the live records.
Now, respectfully, let me tell you something else. Single-digit returns per month are okay for a lot of traders. I have always said the object is to win. But, there is nothing impressive about 7-10% per month, especially at 30% margining. It's high risk and low amount of pips. This is another reason why most money managers lose. It's okay to play that game and come out smelling like a rose on their own account, but something happens in the mind when it's a game with OPM.
I will say this. If you were to get those same returns on OPM (I sincerely doubt you will, and those returns are miniscule.), then your fee system would work in favor of the client, but you would make next-to-nothing. Guaranteed! If you revise it in your favor, then the client gets ripped off. Someone will lose.
Also, if you do not have the special seucrities license, you will not be trading off of the brokers' PAMM. Therefore, if you have multiple clients, you will have to trade for them and handle all the trades as separate entities. Somebody will be in for a world of hurt.
As far as you are concerned, and this is none of my business, but trade for yourself, only. Your gains speak for itself and for yourself. You're not doing bad. Save yourself and others the headaches and the bad press you will get down the road.
Also, I understand when you imply "stable returns". 7% is locked in for the client, before you take your remunerations. That is commendable of itself. I hope I properly enunciated how this whole thing is poked full of holes for you and the client. It's evident you didn't consider all the angles, and your facts were eskewed, as was evidenced by your lack of command of the mathematical end.

For now lets assume you are absolutely right about everything you said. Lets change the scenario and see it from a clients perspective.

Before you proceed do you agree based on my performance I can deliever 7%? (Forget about how much will i make)

Point me out to ONE...just ONE investment opportunity(Trading) where you get 7% monthly returns with 25% risk (Its not 30%, I use the equity stop money management method).

Next. I do have a PAMM account with FXCM.

Next. Most money managers trade accounts because they probably lack good funding.

Next. I would be more than happy to make even 2%...Not because i am generous...because from my personal experience my clients started off with 10k and now they have more than 100k in their accounts. It is a marketing method. You satisfy the client by investing your time and making less money in the beginning for higher reward. Patience is whats required in trading and you probably should know that since you have been in the BACK ROOM OF A MAJOR BROKERAGE.

Next. My personal account? Have you noticed I din't withdraw anything? Its because that account is just their for the backup purposes. Smart investing. Yes some trades are missing on that account (profits and losses both) but the overall progress on the other accounts are better.

This thing is definetly not full of holes....thats just how you view it because you have probably become too paranoid after being scammed a lot of times. And I know that because i have been doing this since a long time and nothing spilled and hopefully nothing will.

I am not claiming to be the best and surely there are betters out there making 2 digit returns. What I can speak for myself is, I am not greedy and I am good with my charts.

Even though my comments have been honest and candid, you have been repsonsive, which tells me you are taking them in the right spirit I intended.
The 30% comes from the 3 lots per $10,000 you trade, not from the dollar amount per trade that you risk .
I agree to you making 7%, but you did not make it every month. At 125% per year, it would mean you would have to ideally make 7% every month. But, for sake of argument, let's say you do that consistently. I'll address your question accordingly.
Just ONE investment opportunity??? My favorite trader and forecaster of whom is Me makes better than that per week, and my margining is much more conservative. I use 1 lot per $10,000. I am not trying to put down 7% per month, but I simply answered your question.
I didn't know you had a PAMM, because you mentioned in your opening statement that you wanted your clients to open an account with "a broker".
You made the point about why no one should have confidence in a money manager-- they lack the funding. Why would I want to invest with someone if they are not being the example in a financial sense. They have not made the money on their own, so I am suppose to entrust them with my money, which means it would be more than they have? The whole scenario is turned upside down.
Also, when a person gets to the point having earning above average monies, then they don't want the headaches og money management. You will find 95% of your clients to be compliant, but the headaches are still more than its worth, and the reason most money managers put themselves through those headaches is for the reason you memtioned. Then, the reason they fail 90% of the time is either they did not know how to trade to begin with, or just the fact someone goes awry in the psyche when they do trade for others.
Believe me, it would blow your mind if you knew how much money I made in a month when I was a money manager, but ultimately, I failed. Can't help it. I'm just being honest. Having said that, there is no one on this planet I would trade forecasting skills with, and the ability to trade those forecasts. I hope you don't mind me imposing upon your thread in saying this, but you can go over to mine (click on the signature), and you will know what I'm talking about.
My experience in the back room of a brokeage came to emlighten me to problems with money managers and in the developments of prospective traders I was dealing with at the time. However, you are right on the patience part. It is needed in all trading endeavors. At your current rate, in order to grow 10K into 100K, you will have needed to trade for someone 3 1/4 years. Also, at that rate, next to nothing you would have still amde per client.
You were wrong in your statement about me being paranoid and being scammed a lot of times. I'm wise when it comes to spotting scammers. I was also in sales and management for 20 years. You learn to spot rip offs and con artists before they get to you.
Me being paranoid? My methodology was self-taught. I'm a shrewd mathematician and learned the mathematics of the markets, which is how I developed my methodology, even though it is one of the strangest you have ever seen. In being self-taught, I could not be ripped off, because I never bought into the hype of the ones that wanted to scam me.
It took me 3 years to fully develop it, so it also did not happen overnight.
Sincerely, I hope you do well, and prove my skepticism wrong. If you prove me wrong, I will be the first in line to congratulate you. I did mention it is full of holes. That is because nothing is still really adding up. This still has the appearance and in lieu of the evidence, someone is in for a hurting.
BTW, your consistent gains proves you are good with the charts, but it still does not prove you will work out as a money manager.

For now lets assume you are absolutely right about everything you said. Lets change the scenario and see it from a clients perspective.

Before you proceed do you agree based on my performance I can deliever 7%? (Forget about how much will i make)

Point me out to ONE...just ONE investment opportunity(Trading) where you get 7% monthly returns with 25% risk (Its not 30%, I use the equity stop money management method).

Next. I do have a PAMM account with FXCM.

Next. Most money managers trade accounts because they probably lack good funding.

Next. I would be more than happy to make even 2%...Not because i am generous...because from my personal experience my clients started off with 10k and now they have more than 100k in their accounts. It is a marketing method. You satisfy the client by investing your time and making less money in the beginning for higher reward. Patience is whats required in trading and you probably should know that since you have been in the BACK ROOM OF A MAJOR BROKERAGE.

Next. My personal account? Have you noticed I din't withdraw anything? Its because that account is just their for the backup purposes. Smart investing. Yes some trades are missing on that account (profits and losses both) but the overall progress on the other accounts are better.

This thing is definetly not full of holes....thats just how you view it because you have probably become too paranoid after being scammed a lot of times. And I know that because i have been doing this since a long time and nothing spilled and hopefully nothing will.

I am not claiming to be the best and surely there are betters out there making 2 digit returns. What I can speak for myself is, I am not greedy and I am good with my charts.

Just remember the rule of thumb for managed accounts AND it's stood the test of time -

The best managed account is always the one that loses the customer the least

Why has it stood the test of time?

Because all finance companies have 2 goals -

1) To use their clients money to make themselves money first, then
2) To make their clients money

However, they normally care little about achieving goal 2 as long as goal 1 is met..................
Even though my comments have been honest and candid, you have been repsonsive, which tells me you are taking them in the right spirit I intended.
The 30% comes from the 3 lots per $10,000 you trade, not from the dollar amount per trade that you risk .
I agree to you making 7%, but you did not make it every month. At 125% per year, it would mean you would have to ideally make 7% every month. But, for sake of argument, let's say you do that consistently. I'll address your question accordingly.
Just ONE investment opportunity??? My favorite trader and forecaster of whom is Me makes better than that per week, and my margining is much more conservative. I use 1 lot per $10,000. I am not trying to put down 7% per month, but I simply answered your question.
I didn't know you had a PAMM, because you mentioned in your opening statement that you wanted your clients to open an account with "a broker".
You made the point about why no one should have confidence in a money manager-- they lack the funding. Why would I want to invest with someone if they are not being the example in a financial sense. They have not made the money on their own, so I am suppose to entrust them with my money, which means it would be more than they have? The whole scenario is turned upside down.
Also, when a person gets to the point having earning above average monies, then they don't want the headaches og money management. You will find 95% of your clients to be compliant, but the headaches are still more than its worth, and the reason most money managers put themselves through those headaches is for the reason you memtioned. Then, the reason they fail 90% of the time is either they did not know how to trade to begin with, or just the fact someone goes awry in the psyche when they do trade for others.
Believe me, it would blow your mind if you knew how much money I made in a month when I was a money manager, but ultimately, I failed. Can't help it. I'm just being honest. Having said that, there is no one on this planet I would trade forecasting skills with, and the ability to trade those forecasts. I hope you don't mind me imposing upon your thread in saying this, but you can go over to mine (click on the signature), and you will know what I'm talking about.
My experience in the back room of a brokeage came to emlighten me to problems with money managers and in the developments of prospective traders I was dealing with at the time. However, you are right on the patience part. It is needed in all trading endeavors. At your current rate, in order to grow 10K into 100K, you will have needed to trade for someone 3 1/4 years. Also, at that rate, next to nothing you would have still amde per client.
You were wrong in your statement about me being paranoid and being scammed a lot of times. I'm wise when it comes to spotting scammers. I was also in sales and management for 20 years. You learn to spot rip offs and con artists before they get to you.
Me being paranoid? My methodology was self-taught. I'm a shrewd mathematician and learned the mathematics of the markets, which is how I developed my methodology, even though it is one of the strangest you have ever seen. In being self-taught, I could not be ripped off, because I never bought into the hype of the ones that wanted to scam me.
It took me 3 years to fully develop it, so it also did not happen overnight.
Sincerely, I hope you do well, and prove my skepticism wrong. If you prove me wrong, I will be the first in line to congratulate you. I did mention it is full of holes. That is because nothing is still really adding up. This still has the appearance and in lieu of the evidence, someone is in for a hurting.
BTW, your consistent gains proves you are good with the charts, but it still does not prove you will work out as a money manager.

I am definetly younger than you in age and experience. My believe is, numbers can be manipulated in a way to benefit both the parties. Elevated risk/drawdown/margin should not to used hypotheticaly to prove the system wrong. I agree 25% is a big number, but surfing forums, talking to people and realizing how much people have lost, I think 25% risk for a 7% reward is a good deal. You will never find a good money manager because he will never advertise. I am not good. 7% is just average.

and that 100k investment thing, I meant couple of my investors were happy with their returns for the first year, so they decided to invest more. It wasn't compounded.

I will definatly have a look at your link.

Btw, that forcaster of yours...How do i get hold of him? Trust me, doing better than 7% in a week? I will be having a cup of coffee with Warren Buffet in no time....
That is a remarkable fact. That is why these companies love money managers, because the losses are spread evenly over all clients.

Just remember the rule of thumb for managed accounts AND it's stood the test of time -

The best managed account is always the one that loses the customer the least

Why has it stood the test of time?

Because all finance companies have 2 goals -

1) To use their clients money to make themselves money first, then
2) To make their clients money

However, they normally care little about achieving goal 2 as long as goal 1 is met..................
Just remember the rule of thumb for managed accounts AND it's stood the test of time -

The best managed account is always the one that loses the customer the least

Why has it stood the test of time?

Because all finance companies have 2 goals -

1) To use their clients money to make themselves money first, then
2) To make their clients money

However, they normally care little about achieving goal 2 as long as goal 1 is met..................

I agree with you completely on that.
FYI, a surprising fact. Warren Buffet is not that good a trader. He has billions he uses to trade with. It is microscopic what he margins. The trades can go against him a large amount. Bottom line is he wins a few pips, and he's still made a mint off the trade. He doesn't care how much trade goes against him. It only counts when he closes it.
I got a chuclkle out of your last question. I thought I was clear in stating who my forecaster is. It's Me. Check out my thread if you want. I will even send you my Weekly Report.
Here's another thing. Open a thread and post your trades. Kepp the record of all of them. As long as you are successful in that venue, I promise you, people will come running for you to trade for them. I get e-mails all the time to that effect. I have only been on this site for a little less than 3 months, but the track record, to a degree, has been established in my thread.
BTW, I can tell you have some geunine motives. If you were a con, I'd be blowing your doors off. Instead, I am supporting your effort.

I am definetly younger than you in age and experience. My believe is, numbers can be manipulated in a way to benefit both the parties. Elevated risk/drawdown/margin should not to used hypotheticaly to prove the system wrong. I agree 25% is a big number, but surfing forums, talking to people and realizing how much people have lost, I think 25% risk for a 7% reward is a good deal. You will never find a good money manager because he will never advertise. I am not good. 7% is just average.

and that 100k investment thing, I meant couple of my investors were happy with their returns for the first year, so they decided to invest more. It wasn't compounded.

I will definatly have a look at your link.

Btw, that forcaster of yours...How do i get hold of him? Trust me, doing better than 7% in a week? I will be having a cup of coffee with Warren Buffet in no time....
forexconsul, how I can get in touch with you?

I have a managed account with a company and they did for me 10% in one year (they get 25% from profits, and their risk is 30%,). They traded for me very conservative , with 0.2 lots

I am offering Forex Money Managed Accounts with stable returns using a 2 year demo tested/4 years live tested trading system.

What are Forex Money Managed Accounts?

Today Forex managed account service is very popular for investors all over the world.
You do not need to trade yourself, track the news and digest different sources of financial information. Moreover, you cannot do that properly, if you do not have special education and vast experience. The solution is to hire a trader to do this routine (but very important) job for you.

What are the returns and fees?

I am not offering any holy grail or a get rich quick system, so if you are looking for one don't read further. The
expected returns per month are 7-10%. My management fees structure is a bit different. You keep the first 7% of the profit for any month and anything on top of that will be my fee. If in any month the profits are less than 7% you don't pay anything and get to keep all the profits.

My Trading System?

It involves a combination of custom designed indicators. My trades are based on 60% technical analysis, 35%
fundamental analysis and 5% on certain bank forecasts. My trade time ranges from intra-day to a intra-week. So positions might be held overnight. My maximum open positions limit is 2.

What is the drawdown/risk?

Every investment comes with a risk so does this one. My money management involves equity stops. So a total of 25% equity is at risk for all the trades combined. (Ex. For a $10K account, all trades will be closed once equity reaches $7500). In the event of loss, if you continue trading you don't pay any fees until the account is
recovered and the monthly statement is in profit.

Performance results to back this up?

I am attaching my trade-by-trade performance of my personal live account. For privacy reasons the account related info is censored. If for some reason you can't access the results, you can email me and I will send them to you. (Contact Details are below).

How do you get started and minimum investment?

The minimum investment is $10,000. To get started you need to open an account with a Forex Broker and fund it. You will need to give me LPOA(limited power of attorney) to execute trades. We will have to sign a mutual agreement.

About Me?

I am a solo trader based in Houston, TX, USA. I have been trading forex since 8 years and managing accounts since 2 years. I DO NOT work/operate/own any kind of investment firm.

HI there,

How can I take the contact with you ? I might be interested on.

All very interesting SerKir but does a 3rd party such as a lawyer hold the 50% compensation or do you guarantee it yourself? If you guarantee the guarantee then it's not worth much as who knows if there will be any money to pay the 50% losses.

PAMM looks very interesting, thanks for that I'll look into it some more.
Re: Forex Managed Accounts - Stable Returns - SALMAN ARIF SCAM


STAY AWAY FROM SALMAN ARIF, TX, US ([email protected]), skype:digisalfx; Tel:+17135307760

I have started a colaboration with this guy in the end of March with an account of 5000 euro. Now I have in my account just 900 euro.

He don't have any clue about risk management. We signed an agreement to stop trading when reach 25% in loses. After that I was agreed to increase the loses to 40% because he had a position on usd jpy. And he opened with 1 LOT. Any news aware about the jpy is going to 79.50 and he still keeped it open.

Also when started I was with, and after few trades he told me they are not good. So changed to FXCM. He don't know neither what broker to use , what best works for him. I have asked him before start to recommend a broker.

He didn't bother to stay at computers when the situation was so delicate, and just told me his software crached.

Salman please do anything else than trading or if you want to learn just accept trading start with 1000 euro not 10k how you pretend.

Evryone can see the statement and judge his trading style.

And this is the first post I'm doing about him and will come another 100.000 forums as I promised to him and over 2500 blogs will take the news.


I am offering Forex Money Managed Accounts with stable returns using a 2 year demo tested/4 years live tested trading system.

What are Forex Money Managed Accounts?

Today Forex managed account service is very popular for investors all over the world.
You do not need to trade yourself, track the news and digest different sources of financial information. Moreover, you cannot do that properly, if you do not have special education and vast experience. The solution is to hire a trader to do this routine (but very important) job for you.

What are the returns and fees?

I am not offering any holy grail or a get rich quick system, so if you are looking for one don't read further. The
expected returns per month are 7-10%. My management fees structure is a bit different. You keep the first 7% of the profit for any month and anything on top of that will be my fee. If in any month the profits are less than 7% you don't pay anything and get to keep all the profits.

My Trading System?

It involves a combination of custom designed indicators. My trades are based on 60% technical analysis, 35%
fundamental analysis and 5% on certain bank forecasts. My trade time ranges from intra-day to a intra-week. So positions might be held overnight. My maximum open positions limit is 2.

What is the drawdown/risk?

Every investment comes with a risk so does this one. My money management involves equity stops. So a total of 25% equity is at risk for all the trades combined. (Ex. For a $10K account, all trades will be closed once equity reaches $7500). In the event of loss, if you continue trading you don't pay any fees until the account is
recovered and the monthly statement is in profit.

Performance results to back this up?

I am attaching my trade-by-trade performance of my personal live account. For privacy reasons the account related info is censored. If for some reason you can't access the results, you can email me and I will send them to you. (Contact Details are below).

How do you get started and minimum investment?

The minimum investment is $10,000. To get started you need to open an account with a Forex Broker and fund it. You will need to give me LPOA(limited power of attorney) to execute trades. We will have to sign a mutual agreement.

About Me?

I am a solo trader based in Houston, TX, USA. I have been trading forex since 8 years and managing accounts since 2 years. I DO NOT work/operate/own any kind of investment firm.


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There's a surprise.


STAY AWAY FROM SALMAN ARIF, TX, US ([email protected])

I have started a colaboration with this guy in the end of March with an account of 5000 euro. No I have in my account just 900 euro.

He don't have any clue about risk management. We signed an agreement to stop trading when reach 25% in loses. After that I was agreed to increase the loses to 40% because he had a position on usd jpy.

He didn't bother to stay at computers when the situation was so delicate, and just told me his software crached.

Salman please do anything else than trading or if you want to learn just accept trading start with 1000 euro not 10k how you pretend.

Evryone can see the statement and judge his trading style.