Hello everyone,
I'm shorting quite a few pairs that have much higher interest rates then the currency I'm shorting agnaist (AUD/USD just as an example).
The fact is that my broker is such an oportunistic bucket shop (although not a full scam, at least! 🙄) that they even charge overnight fees even in this shorts. I'm looking to change as soon as possible, and I'm looking for a broker that is both a decent house, with low pip spreads and that charges you only what it should on overninght interest and PAYS you when the diferential is on your side:clap:.
Thanks to everybody.
I'm shorting quite a few pairs that have much higher interest rates then the currency I'm shorting agnaist (AUD/USD just as an example).
The fact is that my broker is such an oportunistic bucket shop (although not a full scam, at least! 🙄) that they even charge overnight fees even in this shorts. I'm looking to change as soon as possible, and I'm looking for a broker that is both a decent house, with low pip spreads and that charges you only what it should on overninght interest and PAYS you when the diferential is on your side:clap:.
Thanks to everybody.