Foreign Exchange Investor Business Opportunity For Sale


We are a New Zealand based Foreign Exchange business which has been operating for the last 26 months with some very solid results....we are looking to expand our business across worldwide.

Last Year we achieve 44.92% Gross return and that was on the back of 52.72% for 2009. The main reasons we have been so successful is we offer a level of safety and transparency few investments do these days.

Here is a brief on what we do.

* You open YOUR own account with global leaders Interactive Brokers; we simply trade on YOUR behalf.

* Your account is available to you 24/7 to check profits, withdraw funds.

* Interactive Brokers are one of the largest and safest brokers globally.

* You can fund your account in any major currency.

* IBs Fee structure is one of the lowest in the industry (voted top 3 lowest cost Broker for FX)

* We use no more than 1 percent of your account per trade i.e. $20k account = $200 per trade.

* Most trades last between 6 and 24 hours so profits/losses are realized in a short period of time.

* In the last 25 months, our biggest monthly gain has been 12.83% and our biggest draw down -0.9%.

* We have tight stop losses in place on ALL trades.

* The ForexAtom is committed to protecting your capital not just increasing it.

* We are a New Zealand based Company

I believe we have the most transparent high return investment on the market today.

If you would like more information please Email me at [email protected]