For Those Who Sent IM’s

hmmm, the first law of thermodynamics. Damn hadn't thought about that ! I'll put it into my trading simulator (a monkey with a dart). Get over yourself TV. All your proving in all these rambling posts is:

a) How truly desperate you are for cash and
b) How slim your grip on reality is.

Got to go, my monkey's playing with the chaos engine again and it's causing an awful commotion !
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Money_magnet1 said:
hmmm, the first law of thermodynamics.
I think he might actually have been referring to the second law of thermodynamics, loosely translated as "everything turns to s**t" ("that's entropy, man").
Kitchen getting too hot? If you don't respond to the challenge, I'm going to make the kitchen even hotter for you. You ain't seen nothing yet! Pal.


That looks like a threat of some sort. I'd advise against making any more if you wish to retain your membership. These boards are not the place for childish posturing and petty squabbling. If you wish to have some sort of duel with another member then by all means do so, but not on t2w please.
Actually very interesting, MM, thanks. (I used to subscribe to the NS and to Scientific American at one time, back in the days when I had to pretend to know something about these things. These days I content myself with pretending to know something about trading instead: it's an easier one to bluff.)


That looks like a threat of some sort. I'd advise against making any more if you wish to retain your membership.”

If I wish to retain my membership? LOL – now that was funny! ROTF! Can you do that again? This time can you make it bark? You have no idea do you. It is ok – there would be no way for you to know anyway – not your fault. There are things related to the Forex that I just can’t tell you right now – in due time, however.

“These boards are not the place for childish posturing and petty squabbling. If you and another member wish to have some sort of duel then by all means do so, but not on t2w please”

So, I take it that this Forex board of yours is for serious trader talk and dialog – right? You know something, childish posturing and petty squabbling is as childish posturing and petty squabbling does. If you (as the moderator) cannot read my posts, see the substance and pay attention to the timeline of events as they occur in this linear dialectic online medium, then I feel sorry for you because you have an impossible job to do everyday.

I agree – there is a whole lot of childish posturing and petty squabbling going on in this “serious” Forex Forum, but its not coming (nor did it originate) with Tradevector. If you cannot see that – then shame on you.

When I approached this board there was nothing – I mean nothing going on even remotely related the actually making trades in the Forex. You refer to the implied “seriousness” of this Forex Forum – and that is exactly what I brought to this forum. My very first post on this forum was “serious” and more importantly is was dead-on specific to trading the Forex. I started by posting a thread on “Trading Accuracy” and proffered that this was one of the most (if not the most) critical element for the serious Trader. I then supported my claim with substance learned over the course of developing trading technology that uses no conventional and/or traditional TA.

Yet – inside this “serious” thread, the first childish post came – and it did not come from Tradevector. The second petty squabbling post came – and it did not come from Tradevector.

When I approached this board, I read very carefully MANY posts. I learned the writing style of several of the more “active” members. I learned a lot from how they write – the pros they use – the tone and demeanor of there posts. I knew before I made a single keystroke on this forum what I was getting into. I already knew that his was NOT a “serious” Forex Forum. I am not taken by surprise. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. So, I raised the bar slightly and began with asking “questions”, first. Questions that were designed to get people to THINK about “why” they were entering trades and “why” those trades were failing a high percentage of the time.

I’ve solved the problem of high percentage failures a long time ago. So, I did not need the answers to the question of “Trading Accuracy”. I did it to spark conversation but more importantly, to bring to light what I’ve learned over the years as the principle cause(s) of failed trades and low trading accuracy, and why trading accuracy is more important than trading consistency.

Go back and take a good look at the Titles of threads on your Forex Forum – then open some of those threads and actually read some of the content. Much of what’s on this section of your forum is not “serious” technical dialectic engagement. What you have here are a bunch of people (for the most part – there were some exceptional technical posts that I read) giving their opinion about what they think is useful. Nothing wrong with that – except that it lacks direction, focus, efficiency, purpose, and structure. Because of that, it does not lead to Trading Accuracy.

Is it the point of this Forex Forum to simply be a sounding board for opinion? Or, is the point of this “gathering” to bring about better trading success through the implementation of “applied knowledge” (which defines Technology)? If it is a school yard quad for childish posturing (a you so eloquently put it) then it is not a “serious” forum. Not that one cannot have fun while trading – trading is very fun to me. I cannot make 266% net revenues followed by 250%+ net revenues and fail to also have fun. So, certainly the place should be light hearted at times. However, if it is to be a “serious” forum, then the focus, content and core of the dialog should be cogent and relevant. Thus, my initial posts were made as they were – cogent, relevant and timely.

I posted the following parameter on 12/14/04 at 07:19pm:

Weekly Params: EURUSD
Week of: 12/12/04

Long Swing Target: $1.3433
Short Swing Target: $1.3196
Swing Trade Signal: Long
Entry Point: 12/10/04 (early)
Entry Price: $1.3229 (late)
Pips Expected: 204
Pips So Far: 75

The high for that trade was $1.3444. Exactly 11 pips off my initial target. Which was adjusted higher and then adjusted in real-time back down – both adjustments I posted on this forum.

The Swing Trade Signal clearly says Long an the Entry Price clearly says $1.3229. At the time of my post the current close price was at the $1.3290 level. $1.3433 minus $1.3290 = 143 pips.

I call that “serious” – yet, when I look throughout this Forex Forum – I see nothing even remotely resembling such a post prior to this. The detail, the specificity, the focus, the relevance nor the accuracy is seen in anything pre-dating this post regarding the Forex on this forum.

I then get crap from a bunch of wannabe Forex Traders simply for putting a parameter that was dead-on accurate on this forum, I then stand my ground, and you (moderator) now wish to single me out as being “threatening”. To the contrary, there is not one iota of “threat” in my post.

In the meantime, you have a Forex section in your forum that is going nowhere fast given the types of characters that you allow to run wild and free with anything other than how to make money in the Forex. I’m on the mirrored side of a Weekly Trajectory calculated by my system capturing more than 210 pips at better than 250% net gain, while you’ve got NOTHING going on inside this Forex box that even comes close to approaching that level of efficiency and all you can do is call me “threatening”.

Why does success threaten? That’s the question.

You have NO ONE in here providing this level of detail. And, this is the very best that you could come up with – “threatening”? Makes zero sense to me.

You have a very successful Forex board here. I see a lot of traders making posts that clearly demonstrate that they know what they are doing in the Forex. This is a very successful and a great location to learn how to generate consistent revenue in the Forex through the execution of highly accurate trades. You should be proud of what you have here. I would expect nothing less. In fact, I would be shocked and awed if you were not proud of this place.
Could somebody not ban this joker. I don't care if TV posts 100 winning trades, who cares, he is rude and condescending I thought that traders wern't supposed to have an ego well his is bigger than any i've ever seen, its approaching Socrates level ,I find his ramblings threatening and intimidating. So please leave TV it would be nice to get the boards back to normal.

Anyone who calls a chat board a 'linear dialectic medium' deserves to be a member of t2w in my book, if only for amusement value, so there'll be no need to call the Baskerville quadruped at present.

I was merely trying to defuse the slanging match that was developing between you and a number of other members. I am aware that you did not start the squabbling off and I do not wish to take sides. As a moderator I try to be as fair as possible, regardless of my personal opinions, which are often somewhat different to my actions. Other members have received a similar, if not more severe warning to yours.

You are welcome to continue posting here and there are several members interested in what you have to say. Do not let the actions of a few discourage you. However it would benefit us all if you did not rise to any bait proferred in your direction as the situation often degenerates to the benefit of nobody, as we have seen. A little conciseness and a lot less condescension wouldn't go amiss either.

Everyone here gets a fair go, you included, but be aware that if it becomes apparent that you are using the site to sell a trading system under false pretences then you will be banned. Snake oil salesmen are not welcome here. I cordially invite you to to rise above the criticism and prove you are on the level, which would be the best possible result for all of us.

If he goes this long indirect route to get leads, I don't rate his business or sales ability ! Would not trust him with my hard earned funds, based on this !

“So please leave TV it would be nice to get the boards back to normal.”

This once again makes no sense. You claim that someone has an ego simply because they did not allow a personal attack? There was no "ego" in my original posts. But, of course you ignored that too I'm certain.

Lastly, getting back to normal:

Now that is what I really want to see happend to this board! 🙂

Did getting back to normal include making routinely successful trades in the forex? Because, I did not see a bunch of that going on here before hand.

If getting back to “normal” means not really doing anything in the Forex, then that’s fine with me – I’ve got no problem with a forum that really does not trade all that much – more of a social gathering place. There is nothing wrong with that and yes - I will leave you to that task as well.

But, don’t call me “ego”, simply because I defend myself. That's silly.

If somebody initiated an attack on you when you did nothing but post a highly successful trade, would you not defend yourself? If not, it says a lot more about you than me.

A linear dialectic medium is exactly what this is - that's what all forum's of this type are - so I'm glad you liked it.

Like I've said, you really do have something to be proud of here. You got a great bunch of very knowledgeable Forex traders doing an outstanding job of trading the markets and sharing their knowledge with each other. It is awe inspiring to see so much live activity in this part of the Forum that leads to so many successful trades. So, certainly there is a lot to be proud of here.

I really appreciate your attempt to defuse the slang match that was developing between my-self and other members - I think that was very thoughtful of you. Especially, the way you sent PM’s to everyone one involved asking them to tone down their rhetoric. That was really a touch of class. I also understand that as the moderator, you are responsible for making the tough decisions that sometimes your decisions are not always based on your personal views.

Lastly, I appreciate the offer to continue posting here on T2W. However, I don’t that will be necessary. I’ve seen what I needed to see and learned what I needed to learn and I’m happy with what I understand.

Mine was never to become a permanent member here, but to get feedback on a 5 year project – and believe it or not, I’ve actually gotten the feedback that I really needed. ( Thanks JSD! 🙂 )

Thanks for your fairness, Frugi and most importantly, your intellectual honesty in the way you handled this matter.